Worried about lymphoma


I've got two swollen lymph nodes in my neck, an ultrasound showed they're 'more than likely normal' but due to them being smaller then 2cm they say they don't want to biopsy to confirm, I was told that this was due to my cortisol (stress) levels being high, I have been doing daily yoga, going to the gym and getting acupuncture - a recent blood test showed these levels have gone back down to normal now which is a good sign.

The lumps in my neck have been present for around 4 months and aren't going away. I'm worried it could still be lymphoma but am getting skirted away by doctors who don't want to do the test/biopsy.

I have no other symptoms, except low energy and feeling tired all the time. I've also noticed the lymph nodes in my groin and armpits are raised but not enlarged, they don't hurt to touch - but there is no reason for this either. No infections or abnormal bloods,

Has anyone been in this position before? Or could offer me some advice? I feel like I'm being dramatic and hypochondriac, but can't shake the feeling something is wrong.

  • Hello Millie8285

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been dealing with some ongoing health concerns over the past few months. 

    It's good to hear that the ultrasound scan you had didn't raise any cause for concern and that the lifestyle changes you've made have helped your blood test results return to normal ranges. 

    You're obviously still concerned about things so do get back in touch with your GP for further advice and support as they will be best placed to help answer your questions and arrange any appropriate further appointments. 

    I do hope that things improve for you soon.  

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator