Worried About Issue

Im 17 and sexualy active and lately ive come across a small lump just slightly above my clitoris on the inner labia and its not sore unless pressure is applied and has no colour to ut and can not be seen uless the skin is streched. Unfortunately im a massive hypochondriac because of things such as cancer and really would like to know if its something to worry about or not. 

  • Nobody here can tell you if it's something to worry about or not I'm afraid. Please see your GP. 

  • Hi Lily!

    We get lumps and bumps all the time and most of the time they are completely benign and nothing to worry about, especially if you've had no other symptoms - it's most likely to just be an infection. However, I would recommend you see your GP just to be on the safe side. I understand it's hard at the moment to get appointments with the COVID situation and I, myself, have struggled to get tests and speak to my GP over the phone, but it is very much possible.

    Remember, do not worry until there is something to worry about. Feel free to message me anytime.

    Good luck xxx