Worried about cervical cancer

Hi, im wondering whether anyone can relate to this? I was on holiday during my last period and wanted to go swimming so I used a tampon for the first time ever. Since then ive been bleeding during sex, not a lot of blood but just pinkish when I'm cleaning. I've been for a smear test and told the nurse who quite rightly said I need to get it looked at and have booked an appointment with the gynaecologist. 
I've been Googling and it keeps coming back with cervical cancer. I don't know whether I'm being paranoid but I'm experiencing some burning too. Thing is I don't know whether all this could be due to the tampon use and possibly an infection. I'm going crazy and wish I could see a consultant today. 

  • Hi Annish

    I would stop using google to try and diagnose yourself. It’s far more likely to have a simple explanation which is not cervical cancer. Google will diagnose you with cancer on the basis of any symptom, so it’s both scary and extremely unreliable. You need to see the gynaecologist to know what’s going on, but cancer would be extremely unlikely. 

  • Thanks Minska.

    I really try not to google but I get so anxious and am constantly looking for answers. I lost my husband to cancer 3 years ago and have 2 young kids. I'm so worried.

  • Oh Annish

    I’m so sorry to hear that you lost your husband-no wonder you are extra anxious. The thing is google will not give you answers, it will only increase your anxiety because it cannot diagnose you-only the specialist can tell you if there’s anything wrong. Hopefully it will be something simple-there are very many reasons for the symptoms you describe which are not cancer, so try to focus on that. I’m not sure if you’ve had your smear test results yet, but a clear smear would be very reassuring for you. x

  • Hello, and thank for posting, but unfortunately we are unable to diagnose or say if there is anything the matter. 

    The symptoms you describe could be for a number of different reasons, not related to cancer, but if there were concerns regarding your cervix then it would show on your smear results, I wonder if these have come through yet.

    Something that can cause some of the symptoms you describe is called cervical ectropion which I've provided information on here. but also urine infections can cause these symptoms too, I wonder if your urine has been checked or that you've seen the GP for any of these symptoms.

    In the meantime it is a matter of waiting for your appointment to come through, so try and keep yourself distracted, this hopefully will help time pass. Do try and not google your symptoms as the internet is not a Doctor that can assess you and properly check you out.

    Take care, and hopefully you will know more soon. 
