Worried about a mole

Hi. I've never noticed this mole before until yesterday the last few days it's been itchy and I thought it was a spot as it is on my back and it feels raised like a spot. 

any advice or suggestions would really help 

thanks ,


  • Hello Caitlyn, 

    I think if you spotted this mole for the first time and it's been itchy, it's always best to get in touch with your GP and have it looked at by a medical expert if you haven't had a chance to do so already. 

    More information about what to look out for when concerned about a mole can be found on this page of our website. 

    But the best thing to do really if you are worried about it is to give your doctor a call and have it looked at. 

    Best of luck with your appointment, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator