


About 4-6 weeks ago I started having stomach problems, the symptoms were-

loose stools



rectal bleeding 

stomach making gurgling noises

Thankfully everything is back to normal now apart from the rectal bleeding, the doctor prescribed me a stool softener liquid and Anusol suppositories.

I didn't use the stool softener for long because the stool consistency was fine and I wasn't constipated.

Also the suppositories gave me awful gas and leaking of the suppository liquid when passing wind, so stopped them too.


I went to the doctors last Friday as he wanted to do a rectal examination, he asked a lot of questions about my stools, family history of cancer (which is none) and prescribed me with Uni-roid cream and suppositories. He didn't perform the examination and told me he thinks it's piles. And I need to go for a blood test in a fortnight.

The suppositories haven't caused me any problems. But I'm still bleeding when I wipe.


I've felt inside my anus and feel very small lumps. I'm petrified I've got Anal Cancer.



Can someone please give me advice or share similar symptoms.


I'm 38.


Thank you. Xx