
Hi. I am a very worried 38year old mother of 3. I woke up one morning with my left breast hard and sore one morning, which 2 days later started turning red. Sent away with antibiotics for suspected abscess, redness continued to spread, hospitalised for 3 nights and put on iv antibiotics, given an ultrasound which showed no abscess present. Sent home with another 14 days of 2 different antibiotics and a diagnosis of mastitis. Redness gone but still sore and hard. Have always had an inverted nipple on this breast, but now when I lift my arm the nipple retracts and my boob goes a funny shape, all flat at the front. 7 days later (Monday) had a follow up appointment at the breast clinic, did mammograms which showed inconsistencies between breasts, another ultrasound which showed nothing like last Monday, so decided to do biopsies, took 5 samples. Doctor said he thinks it looks like inflammation still from the infection, but as I have not had any trauma or injury, am not breastfeeding, pregnant, a smoker, diabetic or any of the other usual risk factors they said it’s unusual for a normally healthy 38 year old to get mastitis to start with. Now waiting for results and can’t find anyone that’s had a similiar experience and am very worried.

  • Hello lovely, although I can’t offer a diagnoses for you, I wanted to let you know you aren’t alone, I’ve added you so feel free to message me I’m going through something similar feels as if I could have wrote this myself, feel free to also check my posts mines been going on for 10 months sadly, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone it’s horrible and I still have no definitive answers, the pain is unbearable, but we can get through this together! I hope your results come back as something that’s not serious at all and I wish you better. X