
Hi there. 

I am really struggling at the minute with health anxiety. This is something that I have never really suffered with (but have always been a over thinker). There is no particular reason why I have become so worried but it taking over my life. I literally think about cancer every day & worried sick I am going to die. Both my Nana and my Aunty had breast cancer (my aunty died of it aged just 57 years) & I am absolutely covered in moles (I have over 120 all over my body) I have been for mole mapping but checking them has become obsessive and quite honestly I am exhausted by my own negative thoughts. 

I am 32 years old, married with 2 children and just the thought of leaving them terrifies me. I feel so selfish feeling this way when at the moment there is no reason for ny excessive worry! 

I have a call with my local mental health team next week as I just can't cope with these thoughts. I just want my life back and not shadowed with such worry! 

V x 


    Hi VW,

    A very warm welcome to our forum. I am so sorry to hear about your Nana and Auntie, but do try not to let this ruin your life. I have lost my dear Mum and several other close relatives to cancer and have had 2 bouts of breast cancer, as well as 3 moles biopsied. You have done the right thing with mole mapping, but should not let checking them become an obsession. 

    We only get one life and should live it to the full while we can. You have been fortunate that nothing sinister has been detected and need to get a more positive grasp on this fact. I hope that you get some help from the mental health team next week and that this will let you get back to enjoying life with your family. If this doesn't help, you might find hypnotherapy of benefit. Remember that it isn't cancer until you're told that it is'. It is totally devastating when you are told that it is, but it still doesn't mean that you will leave your loved ones. 

    I thought that I would be leaving my young family when I was first diagnosed 11 years ago and was terrified at that thought. Fortunately, diagnosis, treatment and after care are advancing all of the time and I am lucky enough to still be here and living a busy and fulfilled life.

    I sincerely hope that you can overcome these fears and get rid of these negative thoughts. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi there literally just joined. Had a Whipple in October for pancreatic cancer and about halfway through chemotherapy. Have an adult child with serious mental health problems and this is definitely affecting my cancer recovery. Just wondering if anyone else is or has for through similar. I need to be more positive but it's impossible at times. Thanks


    Hi Narnia,

    A very warm welcome to our forum, although I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through.

    How are you coping with your chemo? This can be a tough time, but I would imagine all the tougher when in a situation such as yours. Do you have any help and support to help your child and yourself to cope with all that is going on and, how much does your child nderstand about your illness?

    I have not been in your position, but have had 2 bouts of breast cancer in the past 11 years. It is hard to be positive all of the time. We often liken our cancer journeys to a rollercoaster ride - up one minute and down the next. Can you elaborate a little on how your situation is affecting your cancer recovery? Then we can see how best to advise and support you.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on. Remember that we are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx