
For the last 2 months I've been undergoing tests and biopsies for suspected gynaecological cancer. I'm 21 years old and 43 days ago I started heavily bleeding and it's not stopped since.  I have experienced horrendous abdominal pain to the point I've almost passed out, I have extreme nausea constantly, post coital bleeding and pain, in addition to spotting between periods. I've undergone a pelvic ultrasound, colposcopy, blood tests and I'm waiting to results of a biopsy from my hysterscopy. Extremely worried about the test rules has anyone experienced something similar? 

The gynaecologist prescribed me provera 20mg 4 times each day, transameic acid 2 tablets 3 times each day and mefanamic acid 1 tablet 4 times a day. Nothing has stopped the bleeding. The ultrasound revealed that I have a 6cm cyst on my left ovary and an enlarged/thickened womb lining. I'm extremely concerned and worried. 

  • Hello caitl99

    I'm sorry to hear that you're dealing with these health problems at the moment. It's understandable that you're feeling worried about what may be causing things. 
    Did the Consultant tell you how long the biopsy results may take? Or do you have another appointment booked with them? Don't be concerned about giving the secretary or department a call to ask about when you may hear something if you've waited more than a couple of weeks. 

    Hopefully these results will give the Consultant more answers about what is going on for you and they will be able to discuss what other options might be appropraite to deal with your symptoms. 

    I do hope that you have some news soon and that things improve for you. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator