World has come crumbling down

My mum had throat cancer 3 years ago and beat it. After all normal check ups with her ENT doctor she got put on 6 monthly reviews. About 4 weeks ago her mobility slowly started to decline after what she believed was a badly pulled leg muscle, she was referred for physiotherapy which did no good. It was only until this problem slowly started to become worse that she was referred for a CT scan.  Recently we found out that my mum has multiple metastasis in her spine, liver, kidney, lung and other bones. I do not know how to feel. I feel numb. In the space of just over 4 weeks she has gone from an inderpendent woman to requiring a hospital bed downstairs, a frame to walk and high doses of pain relief. My dad seems very task orientated at the minute trying to sort it house work and making sure everything is in place. I just feel deverstated and confused about the whole situation. I just don't know how to feel.


    Hi Beckie,

    It sounds as if the whole family is finding it hard to come to terms with your mum’s sudden deterioration.  People deal with this in different ways. Your dad is obviously trying to be strong for all of you and is keeping himself occupied with looking after your mum and the house.

    The emotions that you describe are perfectly natural. It is quite normal to feel, desolation, anger, sadness, numbness, confusion and a whole raft of other emotions. This has all happened very quickly which makes it difficult to take everything in. You do not say what age she is.

    My mother died in 1997 and I still miss her every day.. She had breast cancer for 12 years, and then developed secondaries in her liver, lungs, bones and brain. She became bedbound within a very short time and it was heart-breaking to watch.

    I wish you all strength to get through this and will pray that you can keep her as comfortable as possible in the meantime.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx