Workers rights? Meeting called

Anyone out there know about workers rights. 

I don't think I have a leg to stand on but any opinions of use gratefully received. 

Will try to keep this short.

Mum given 2 to 4 weeks of life left at end of March 18.

I decide  with her is where I need to be. 

I tell my new employer of only 3 weeks this is what I am doing.

Absolutely fine. They totally understand.

I am now called to Personnel Meeting next week.


They paid me til 23rd April. So have not/will not receive a salary this month  (which I totally understand). 

Anyone have any thoughts on how this will go. 

I have been in twice weekly contact and visited work on two occasions. When j have been the 120miles back to my home from my.mums.


Thank you. 



  • There isnt any automatic right to paid time off  as far as i know but most public sector will give some compassionate leave or paid sick leave if your doctor is willing to provide you with a sick note. My husband and sister in law are both on the sick with full pay.

    I work for a private company and they paid me for a month at their discrection, but now i have to take unpaid leave. I would imagine your meeting will be to give your employer some indication of how long you will be off (as if you ae going to know that!!!) 

    Hopefully that's all it is and nothing extra to worry about

    Good luck! xxx

  • Thank you for that .

    It's going to cost me £50 in fuel to go and be there for 20 mins .  All a little daft if you ask me .

    Thank you 

  • Do you have a contract of employment - you should have been given one when you started to work there which will state your entitlements.  Is your workplace unionised - if so take a rep. with you?  Otherwise you will need to hear what they are suggesting. They may understand that you are unable at this time to predict how much longer you will need to have unpaid leave.  If I am right, they have not as yet been nasty about your leave but of course it must impact on their business (don't know by how much - is it a large organisation?).  But they just might be balancing how long you may be absent against how long it would take them to replace you!  Just play it politely and state the circumstances as they stand.  Best of luck.  Annie

  • Yes Annie.

    I will be good!! Haha.

    It took 3 or 4 months to recruit me so hopefully we can arrange something.

    It is a large privately owned business. 

    With 2500 employees. So ...... Will just have to wait and see. 

    Of course I am mythering/worrying about it but.... this situation is what it is!

    I asked my Manager if I needed to take proof of mums illness.... he said well probably won't be needed. But if I have it.... I guess it can't hurt. 

    So either they wish to terminate my contract or believe me totally. 

    Thanks Annie