Work inbetween treatment

I have had 4 weeks off work after lumpectomy. I can technically go back to work for 3 weeks until I start radiotherapy. Is there any reason i should or shouldn't (financially or medically). I'm only entitled to statutory sick pay.


  • Depends on your employer to some extent.  I worked for a local authority and, having a department to manage, had to ensure that a doctor had signed off an employee as being fit for work before I could allow them to return to work after a serious illness and/or one of long duration.  I should check with your employer if you are feeling up to returning.  Best wishes.  Annie

  • Hi Janie670, I had a lumpectomy on 14th September. I had 3 weeks off work then went back to work for 4 weeks until radiotherapy

    I found no problems working for the 4 weeks between coming back from surgery and starting radiotherapy with no problems. I felt better with each week that passed. I went off sick at the start of radiotherapy as I had heard that my skin might feel sunburnt or sore and I might feel tired. Possibly because I took things easy, I have had minimal side effects. A little tired by 10pm perhaps. I feel like I could have worked during radiotherapy (apart from taking time out to actually have the radiotherapy), but maybe I felt so well precisely because I had taken the time off sick.  Had 3 weeks of radiotherapy, my last day is tomorrow.

    Everybody is different, so you should listen to your body. I have a friend who worked throughout, followed a punishing schedule during radiotherapy, driving to one job in the morning, across country to another in the afternoon and then to an evening radiotherapy appointment which always ran late. She did this for financial reasons, being a contractor. She described how tired she felt during radiotherapy, and how very sore she was, so I was quite worried when I started, but it has been easer for me. I guess see how you go, but I can’t see any reason for not working in the run up to radiotherapy unless your surgery isn’t healing well.

    best of luck