Womb cancer, should I take cbd oil

I have had cancer now for over a year I have been using as treatment of mirena coil and provera tablets, my oncologist up my dosage from 200mg a day to 400mg a day and I'm really considering using cbd oil , just wondering if it would affect my treatment as I have around 5 months left of my treatment (coil and tablets) I want kids in near future so this is my last resort.


  • Hello Chan2323

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been living with womb cancer for some time now. It's understandable that you may be feeling anxious as your Oncologist has recently changed your medication. 

    We do have some information on our website about CBD oil which you may find helpful. If you'd like to chat things through with one of our team of nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm. 

    I'd also encourage you to talk things through with the team responsible for your care as sometimes there can be unwanted interactions between drugs. 

    I hope this helps. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi

    I finished chemotherapy for an reoccurrence of cervical cancer in June.

    I've been taking 

    Fenbendazole, CBD oil, vitamin E and turmeric

    I haven't noticed any bad effects with this combination and my latest PET scan showed no cancer uptake in a dodgy cyst they have been monitoring but who knows if it was the chemo, or the drug combo I'm taking or even if the cyst was always OK.

    I'm willing to give anything a go especially when you have nothing to loose 


  • Hi that's great! Congratulations.. did you randomly start taking the oil or did you speak to your doctor first about it? I'm taking provera tablets and coil and I don't no If it would affect the medication but I'm guessing cbd oil is the best medication,I want kids in near future but I'm getting recommended a historecomy so in willing to do absolutely anything 

  • Hi CBD oil is mainly a painkiller , but it hasn't been tested properly against other meds and could have bad side effects.

    Take care.


  • My oncologist and Gynaecologist both know about my Internet researched drugs and they have no issues with me taking them. They have said the same when I went through chemotherapy so whatever gets me through and if it helps my mental wellbeing then they are happy to agree with me. (Within reason I think!).

    I started to take them after my own research but did inform all my medical professionals of my decision.

    Tell your doctor but I would try the cbd oil if you think it will help. I had the Minerva coil fitted before my hysterectomy.  

  • What did you do in the end? My other half is on the coil as well as provera, we want child of our own and currently she is taking turkey tail mushroom extracts, we have wondered about the CBD oil, due to the possible help against cancer but also the help with the issues that come with cancer, her pain and anxiety. Just wondering what you got told or where it went for you? I hope it all went well. Thank you