Womb cancer

Hi everyone 

I'm new to this site today! 

I am 62 years old, was finally diognosed with womb cancer 12th jan 2017. After being told for almost two years of on and if bleeding, I had fibroids and cysyts.

December last thankfully saw another doctor. Sent for tests. 22 nd Dec had hystoclopy. That revelled a mass on my uterus, had to wait till 12th Jan  this year because of Xmas ect. For final result. 

Now four weeks after laparoscopy. Everything removed.grade 3 stage 3a cancer spread outside the womb. To tip of vagina!

Had all that told to me 19th March eating next appontment for chat on when? Because thanks to not only mid diogoses! But all waiting on results! It's now going to be chemo/radiotherapy.

I've no support at home. My partner had a stroke last September. He comes to appointments with me. But doesn't understand the severity of it! My son doesn't want to  talk to me about it. He believed inbox head that after the pop it would all be gone!? Hoped! My mum dad brother have all passed away. I don't have friends. Because  I've worked as a nanny/housekeeper for 17 years and friends I've had from my passed are all over the country! 

Sorry everyone out there for writing a book  and it's sad how we all of us that find ourselves here. Have to do this texting because most things now are talking this way or on the phone! But thanks to this wonderful site and the fantastic McMillan site. Like me. We are all able to vent our fear, anger, frustration. And share all of our stories!

So if any ladies out there want to reply and give me some help advice etc!? Thankyou.

  • Hello Calli; welcome to the forum.  You have been having a bumpy ride but let us hope it is full speed ahead now.  You need to make some friends, not just people online - don't get me wrong we (and also those on the MacMillan site)  are always happy to chat with anybody and I am sure you are the same but there may be support groups in your area .  If you are visiting the MacMillan Cancer Support website you my have seen the "In Your Area" heading where you put in your postcode and it tells you what is available.  When this hard winter comes to an end you may feel better for getting out and about.  If you are not getting much support at home - I realise in your partner's case he has his own problems, bless him - you need to have  friendship and support.

    Anyway, I hope you will keep us informed of how you are doing and that you feel up to doing things that give you pleasure.   Best wishes.  Annie