will my life ever be normal again


my name is elaine and i am on my 9th radiotherapyfor dcis. This was picked up from a routine mamogram back in August.. I have been a nurse for 37yrs and was due to retire in December. My whole world has been turned upside down and although  i know the prognosis for this type of breast cancer has the  best prognosis. Every little twinge or  pain i fear its there somewhere else. I know my fears are irrational but am i going to spend the rest of my days worrying that anything wrong is cancer. Noone talks about it telling me i will be fine but im scared  and all the stories you read doesnt help as it seems everyone  wants to post about the  negative experiences . I dont want my life to be constantly worrying its come back as for the next ten years i have to have yearly mamograms

  • Hi Elaine ... I know that feeling well, but I’ve come to realise that’s what cancer wants us to do... it’s a cruel disease that wants to take over every waking thought... it wants us to just give up and wait for the next sign... I’ve changed how I am going to live... I’ll make the most of each day... I’ll find something to smile at daily... I’ll stop saying “what if” and if it does get me in the end at least I’ll know I was kicking it’s *** right till the end ... so try not to let it take anymore then it already has ... 

    you hold on in there as we all know it’s a bumpy ride ... and yes we’ll have a few low days, that’s natural... but then get back on the path .... sending you a vertual hug... Chrisie xx

  • Hi Elaine,

    Sorry to read about your diagnosis. Being a nurse probably makes things worse as you’ve spent the last few decades working with sick people and are only too aware of the worst case scenarios.

    Anxiety is only to be expected at this point of your journey, if nothing else it is a survival mechanism which will stop you from ignoring your symptoms if they return. It isn’t as if you’re one of the worried well, you have had a life-threatening and life-changing experience.

    I’ve been living with my own cancer for 4 years now and, whilst I remain vigilant, the anxiety and constant fear has faded into the background and is manageable.

    Give your mind time to adjust, but don’t hesitate to talk to your GP about your anxiety - especially if you are having trouble getting to sleep. 

    Best wishes


  • Hi Elaine, You're right, many stories are negative. Which means in a way that the forum is doing its job, but with a possible downside that people may get an impression that a lot of stories end badly, while the reality is that many people get cured, then get on with their lives and do not frequent this forum any more. In my case, penile cancer, many of the stories are really depressing. But they often deal with cases where a partial or full penectomy was necessary. The early stage success stories, which involve organ sparing surgery, seem to be rarely discussed. Hopefully you will find that follow up anxiety will reduce over time, especially as you have a good prognosis. My prognosis is also good  although I am still anxious every three months (I have an ultrasound every 3 months to check the lymph nodes, and a physical examination). But this anxiety is definitely becoming less over time. x Harry

  • Elaine.. i have been clear for 6yrs now and the worry fades over time. Listen to your body and make time to heal after the experience you have had. I just try to make the mosy out of life