Will it get better?

my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 incurable PC on the 2nd November he’s 62 and fit. At the time only had back ache and constipation. 

We were all really shocked and upset. We are waiting for the hospital to assess his biopsy and let us know if they can offer any treatment or not. The cancer is aggressive and has spread.

My dad has lost a lot of weight, is in agony with his back and now is complaining of painful tummy pain. Laxatives don’t seem to be working. By 5 pm my dad is exhausted and sleeping. 

I’m worried but feel I need the honest truth. Is there hope? Or is this is, Will my dad always look this poorly and weak? 

Everything I read says PC survival rates aren’t good; realistically is it possible for my dad to be himself and have longer with us. 

I know it’s silly, but how will I know how will I know how long he has with us. 

Hes my everything and if it wasn’t for the fact I have a small baby to look after I don’t think I could cope with all of this. But my dad is being strong and says he will do his best to fight it. Sometimes he just says “I can’t beline I have cancer what’s happened”. 

I feel nobody has has given us any idea of what to expect. 

I can’t believe I’m even typing all of this, how did it happen I was only sat round a table laughing and eating at a restaurant with my dad now he’s so skinny.  

  • I'm so sorry you and your da are having to go through this. I know how painful it can be to see your dad so skinny and weak. I truly wish I had an answer. As for hope? There's always hope. Crazy things happen when it comes to treatments, recovery, etc. My grandfather was told he had 6 months. The stubborn mule lived another 3 1/2 years. My father didn't even find out everywhere the cancer was in his body when he suddenly passed. What I'm saying is talk to the doctors and get as much information as you can. They're your best bet when it comes to finding out how serious the situation is. Everybody is different when it comes to this mess. To be realistic, hope with all you have, but realize the reality of what could happen. He could respond well to treatments, he may not. Cancer is a cold, heartless thing, and no matter what happens, it could go either way.   I'm heartbroken and gut wrenched due to my father passing less than a week ago, yet I'm grateful for the time we had. I hope to whatever God you believe in that everything works out in your favor. Knowing you're going through this hurts my heart, and I'm a stranger to you. You sound like you have a good relationship with him. Whatever happens, hold on to that. Love him fiercely, no matter what. Be there for him. Cherish every moment with him. Know and be aware of what a gift it is to have him in your life, no matter how long that is. And if, god forbid, the worst happens? You'll have the memory of that love the rest of your life. You'll be able to tell your baby all the goofy, fun, weird stories of your father's life. Your child will know your father from the love he passed on to you, as that love will continue to flow from you to your baby. I'll stop rambling and leave you with this- get as much information from the doctors. Approach the situation with a clear head and listen to what they have to say, good or bad. It's an awful thing to go through. I wish the best possible outcome for you, and send you strength to get through this tough time. Take care.

  • Hi Tinkerbell,

    So sorry to read about your Dad's condition. 

    In an earlier post you mentioned that his doctors had said that he didn't have long. Were you able to get a straight answer out of them about whether this meant days, weeks or months? 

    When my Mum was ill we found that the only way we could get them to commit to even vague  timescales was by using the phrase "would you surprised if ...". For example "would you be surprised if I was still around at Christmas" 'No, that wouldn't surprise me.' "How about our wedding anniversary in June?" 'Yes, that would surprise me.'


    Best wishes


  • [@davek]‍ ‍ ‍ hello there ,

    thank you for your reply. one doctor said a montg, then others said they couldn’t comment until we went to the hospital to see if he can have treatment (which we are waiting for since he had his biopsy). nobody has given us anything clear i feel. 

    He has pancreatic cancer which has spread the statistics aren’t good and I’m very worried as my dad is really the only person I have apart from my baby. This is all so awful and making me feel very sick. I know I can’t make anything better but is there anything I can do to make him happy or anything? 

    Regards xxx

  • Hi,

    You probably know him better than anyone - he might appreciate spending some time with you and the baby, if he is well enough to have you both visit. Just be there for him and let him know that someone cares - in the end that's all any of us can do. 

    Remember to look after yourself and the baby - however hard things get you need to keep your physical and emotional strength up for all your sakes.


    Best wishes
