Wife has secondary bowel cancer

Hello everyone 

I'm looking for words of wisdom or just something that might help. My story is that my wife had bowel cancer 2 years ago and after a stoma opp, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, an opp to remove the tumour, 6 months more chemotherapy which causes Neuropathy another 6 months to recover from that but it seemed all worth it she got the all clear. She returns to work for 2 weeks and gets her 6 months scan results to find its back in her bowel and spread to both lungs. Doctors say they can't cure it she got to have chemotherapy for the rest of her life and 50% chance she might live for 2 year. Add how vulnerable she is to coronavirus at the moment. How do I tell everything's going to be ok ? 

  • Hello Holteender,

                            l am really sympathise with your wifes situation since l can match it exactly up to the point of the cancers return.

               Of course you cannot tell her it will be alright,circumstances are lined up against you.But you can tell her she is very special,how much she means to you,that you will be by her side always,and that you and her will live every day from hereon for what they are,unique,special and to be filled with special moments.

     Chemo therapy will make her very vunerable to coronavirus,but that will just allow you to spend time with each other as opposed to being amongst crowds.You cannot change the destination, but you can change the journey,

                      best wishes ,


  • Thanks for taking the time to reply David 

    fingers crossed your cancer doesn't return 

    stay safe 
