Why the long wait!

Hi again

Last week i was diagnosed with grade 3 ductal invasive carcinoma . It's a 48mm tumour.  The surgeon used the words large, fast growing and aggressive scaring me to hell. Advised Chemo first but my appointment with the oncologist  is not till the 10th jan why the long wait???? the good news was the ultra sound didnt pick up anything in my lymph nodes. But now it feels bigger and my ultrasound was 3 weeks ago and what if its spread since?  I know your mind plays tricks but I know its bigger and I know the size of it matters when it comes to staging!!!

  • Hello

    I was diagnosed on the 8th November and start chemo on 9th Jan. They do lots of tests first

    . Mine is in my lymph nodes too and also is invasive. I've been a mess. Terrible and feared death. It takes time as blood tests and scans have to be done. I keep thinking mine is spreading too. I'm here if you need to talk. 

  • Takes forever. I started in September, after internal scan and biopsy have endometrial cancer. Finally saw consultant in December and having hysterectomy in two weeks. I would have chosen to have hysterectomy in October rather than faff about with biopsies under general. I just hope it hasn't spread but I now have pain in lower spine. So much for being fast tracked lol x

  • Hi,

    My only advice is don't passively wait for your appointment. Ring the oncologist's medical secretary and explain how anxious the wait is making you and ask if you could be offered any cancellations that come up. There may be a reason you're having to wait but my guess is that you've been delayed by Christmas and New Year more than anything. 

    The NHS IS overstretched and if you don't keep pushing you'll just be left waiting at the back of the queue. It shouldn't be like this but I'm afraid that's the way things are. Some people worry that the staff will think less of them for making a fuss. This isn't the case, anyone working in the NHS knows how the system works and that you often need to chase things up - believe me they'd do the same if they were in your shoes.

    Different type of cancer but I was diagnosed on 3rd October (after a six month delay due to being put on the wrong referral pathway) and started chemo on 17th October having had scans, biopsies, blood tests and most of the results between those two dates. 

    Every Trust should comply with the 62 day referral to treatment target for all cancer patients "no more than 2 months (62 days) wait between the date the hospital receives an urgent referral for suspected cancer and the start of treatment. Including no more than 31 days wait between the meeting at which you and your doctor agree the treatment plan and the start of treatment." See also www.cancerresearchuk.org/.../waiting-times-after-diagnosis


    Good luck


  • Hi I was diagnosed end of May and didn't start treatment till August.I wasn't happy with the excuse of doing some tests.In the end I had to treatened them with legal time limit for starting the treatment.The best thing is to keep eye on it.

    Good luck 


  • Oh no. That's a long wait  thank you for replying. Let me know how you get on with chemo. Are you trying the coldcap? Xxx

  • Will do. The wait is just a killer ️

  • Thank you Dave.  So they are still within their time limits  will just have to be patient. It's so hard. ️