When to tell someone.

Found out yesterday that they are pretty sure I have breast cancer. Biopsy taken and will get results next thursday. Dont feel anything just feel numb but cant stop crying. Odd feeling. How and when do I tell my children. Every time i think about telling them I'm distraught!! I dont want them to see me like this! I dont want to ruin their christmas but cant control my crying. 

  • Dear S800TEF, Very sorry about your news. You haven't been formally diagnosed yet, so in one way it makes sense to wait before telling them. On the other hand they will know that something is wrong, and may even imagine things that are worse than the reality. 

    Finally, please remember that breast cancer statistics, especially in the early stages, are really good! Your children will be most worried about losing you. You can reassure them on this point. 

  • Thank you Harry2

    I wish I could control my emotions more. All of a sudden it seems I have a thousand decisions to make  

  • Dear S,

    So sorry about your news.

    I agree with Harry, I think it's better to wait for diagnose before you tell your children. You don't say how old they are. If they are very young maybe it's better to delay telling them a bit longer, till you know what your treatment plan will be and how it will impact your life. No need to worry them unecessarily without concret facts. And if you give it some time you will be able to tell them at a time when you have already come to terms with the situation yourself and are better informed and feeling stronger. Believe me, the initial shock will gradually get better and you will soon feel that you are not alone and will get through this.

    It is important for you to talk to someone adult who can support you during this difficult time. This forum is a very good place and you'll find lots of good advice and understanding from people who have been in the same situation.

    Give yourself some time to be upset and then after a good cry say to yourself: Right, time now to do the shopping or the cooking or whatever... and move on to something that keps you busy. Try to put your feelings in a box that you can open or close when appropriate. You may even find out that you'll be able to go throught Christmas as usual, wihout telling your children. Believe in your inner strength.

    About breast cancer: I know it always comes as a shock but there are very good treatments and you can make a full recovery. You are not alone.

    Wishing you the best outcome.


  • Thank you Ribas. ️ ️ my girls are 16 and 30. I know I need to be strong for them. Hopefully I will eventually stop crying.