What you get used too:)

In bed, can’t poo, sleep or really even get up. Cough up blood, ahhh Cancer sucks but at this point so does life!

  • Oh poor you Mexico13. It sounds like you are having such a hard time.  Are you feeling better now? Have you managed to speak to someone or get checked up over the weekend? It might be worth ringing your medical team and see if they may be able to help relieve some of these symptoms, manage the pain and find a way to help you sleep a little bit better.

    I hope it isn't too hot too for you in Mexico at the moment.

    Warmest wishes,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Mexico 13 

    Hope your feeling bit better .I'm going back on chemo this afternoon so know what's about to come 

  • Hello there.  Sorry about your sufferings.  I hope you have somebody with you to give you a hand.  I have cared for people in similar circumstances and know how necessary it is to have help with these intimate things.    Please do ask for all the help you need to get you through this and also talk to us if you think we will be able to advise you at all.  You deserve help and should be getting in in your situation.  Best wishes.  Annie

  • Hello,

    Thanks to everyone who has responded. I’m up despite taking all sorts of medications to keep me asleep. I’m limited on finances, living in Mexico & my VA (Veterans Admin Hosp) is located in States (2-3 hours to gonit too). I’m 100% on my own, no in home care, just me & my pets. They keep me going. I would love help but there is no helpb to give. It’s 3AM in Mexico, I love the darkness and silence of Mexico:) LStage 4 ung Cancer with HIV stinks but heck I can see the Ocean from my bed so what do I have too complain about.



  • Hi there ... when you say there's no one, like you can see the ocean from your widow... so wer all here .. we may not be there helping .... though I wish we could... but hay we've got your hand ... we know these feelings .. there's others on here that have no one ... so see your not alone, well be your vertual friends .. 

    I'm vertually sitting there with you, looking out at the world ... any time you wanna chat, vent, or just thoughts, I'm here most days ... we can chat about anything on here ... coz there's one thing we've all got in common ... so from across the water I'm sending a vertual hug from our little island to you ..


  • Chrissie & Everyone else Thank you. Today was a rough day, managed to take a nap in bed with afternoon sun. I was surrounded by paw power and the words everyone shares with me. I love numbers, wondering what set of #’s I’ll pass on:)