What to put in chemo bag?

What is a "must have" in your chemo bag?

  • Hi hope chemotherapy goes well .

    Your bag wants plenty in like ( food and drink), alot of chemo wards have someone who makes sandwiches and tea ,as your not allowed out till treatment finished once your in .it can take hours longer than normal,(odd patients have side effects and have to be looked after first ), something to read or listen to can keep you occupied,im sure others will think of other things,.   again good luck with your treatment .


  • Thanks Billy, and after reading some of your posts, if I have an ounce of your strength and endurance, I'll do just fine.

    I was looking up a DIY way of making cold packs (neuropathy and nails).  1 part rubbing alcohol to 2 parts water in a couple of freezer bags. Going to make a few and stick them in the cool bag, along with the munchies. 

  • My nails never came loose, just had white lines across them all fingers and toes, didn't realize what it was at first   then realized after time it was each time i had chemo it did something to the root then it repaired and grew again, hence line. What hair I had fell out but I finished up with more than started with when it grew back .

    Never tried anything special, just moisturizer on hands,feet and face, but being a man didn't want to look to good .

    Good luck again and keep positive .

    Billy .

    Ps love the idea of munchies, take plenty . just remembered get your teeth checked before treatment if possible .mine came loose during treatment tightened up after .devel trying to eat with loose teeth.


  • Snowballs...now I can eat them......so much better than marshmallows (with new reason now too)...if I plan it as a treat now I'll make sure I enjoy them!  Too much healthy can't be all together good ;)

  • I've never changed my food or drink options at all always eat what i like just not to much nowadays ,(got hiatus hernia), don't like it coming back its a waste.      I've actually lost weight , I'm just over 11 stone with my treatment I went over 13 (hormone therapy .

    i had a quick look at one of your other posts this morning , hope you don't mind me saying.  There are very good people out there who love there other half nomatter what happens to them and no way would hurt them .

    Be thinking of you and your treatment , and your nails . won't mention hair he he .

    Take care keep safe and positive .
