What symptoms did you have? Ovarian

Hey all, 

I was wondering what symptoms you had for ovarian cancer 

And what came up (if anything) on your blood tests? 

tia x

  • Hi,

    Both my mum (77) & aunt (80) had ovarian cancer. My aunt had no symptoms until she suddenly started to lose a lot of blood whilst in the bath. My mum started with back pain - scans showed a tumour on the spine. Further tests found it was secondary ovarian cancer. Neither of them had any other symptoms. I can't advise re blood tests as I don't know what they showed.

    Angie x

  • Hi I've just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer I started getting really bloated and gaining weight but could hardly eat .. turns out my stomach and lungs are filled with fluid I'm going in on Friday to gave a drain out in and a biopsy done to see what stage I am at the pain is unbearable x