What on earth is happening in my breasts?

Hello everyone,

I have posted before with breast issues. I have had a big fibroadenoma 5cm removed with a finding of LCIS in it. To cut a long story short I also have alot of benign breast disease, all with funny names,  with dense breasts. I have microcalcification micro cysts aswell. I had another set of mammograms and ultrasound mid December and came away with no clue what is going on in my breasts. I was just told they are very busy breasts and was told to speak to my consultant by the radiologist.  Well today, finally after no mammogram report I had a phone call from a breast surgeon who basically told me I need an MRI. Apparently my mammogram results weren't easy to read and they aren't sure what is in my breast, . The only comfort I have is that she thinks it's benign changes.There's post op changes in my right breast and a cluster of microcalcification in my left. 

The MRI is going to be asap, and I will get a follow up appointment for the results. I am honestly beginning to think there's something nasty lurking after all this time, as I can now feel a slight hard bit in my problem area.

I just need to get my emotions out of my system as it's honestly a roller coaster, especially if the tests seem never ending!. I have just received a diagnosis of GERD aswell which took 5 years to confirm. I really do feel for everyone here who are having tests and not getting a diagnosis. 

It will probably be much easier when you know for definite what you're dealing with. 

Any coping ideas to limit stress would be appreciated.

Many thanks and good luck to everyone.

Guinea pig lover.

  • Hello Guineapiglover, 

    I am so sorry to hear about all these breast issues you've been having. It's reassuring though that they all seem to be benign but I can imagine you must be feeling rather anxious after being told you need an MRI scan and that your results are not easy to read. It's good that things are moving quickly and that you have been informed that the MRI is going to be soon. 

    I know it is really hard but try not to worry too much or anticipate what it might be. The best thing to do to avoid thinking too much about this is to keep busy and distracted if you can and avoid looking things up online. I can imagine it is hard for you to do this at the moment but it will help you feel a little less anxious. Waiting for results is really the hardest thing and as you say it often gets a little easier when you know for definite what you are dealing with. There are helpful tips on this page to help you cope while waiting for important news. 

    I hope you will also hear from others here who have been through all this before and that they will be along soon to share their story with you. 

    Keeping everything crossed for you that everything turns out fine. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Dear Lucie,

          Many thanks for your advice. I suppose having LCIS  means they are monitoring me more closely which is reassuring. I just thought that after 2 sets of mammograms and ultrasound in one visit it would be enough information for them. I suppose on more difficult cases they have to be thorough.

    Thanks for your quick reply, It ' s very helpful and kind of you.

    I will hopefully get back with good news. 

    Best wishes Guineapig lover.

  • Hi GPL,

    I'm glad a saw your post, I can relate to how your feeling I've been through something similar to you and wanted to share my story with you, hopefully it helps. I'm 44, I recently went for a mammogram in December as a follow up from a previous lump found in 2020. I was then called back for a 3D mammogram as they advised there had been some changes that they wanted to investigate, after the 3D mammogram I then had a biopsy, after the biopsy results came back (2 weeks later) I was advised my the consultant I have LCIS but a subtype called Florid Lobular Carcinoma in Situ which grows rapidly and forms a mass, which puts me at a high risk of developing BC , so he advised I'd have an MRI to check nothing has been missed (I only waited 6days and had this on Monday)  then they will arrange for a radiological excision of the area using a vacuum biopsy type treatment. So I'm currently in limbo awaiting MRI results and the op to remove.

    So I can say I know how you feel. The consultant however was really reassuring and said it's not classed as cancer but as it can develop into it in the future, so they take no risks and remove the mass.   This has put my mind at rest and hopefully this will give you some comfort. 

    let me know how you get on with your MRI appointment 


    Josa x

  • Dear Josa,

            I am sorry you are going through it aswell. The only good thing is because we both have LCIS we are being closely monitored and treated. I think only about 10 in 100, O00 have LCI,S about 765 people are diagnosed with it every year. I think treatment plans/ monitoring varies between breast clinics and it depends on what type of LCIS.I had my MRI 2 weeks ago yesterday and am still waiting for the results. My LCIS was inside a large fibroadenoma which was removed. I think some LCIS doesn't show up on mammograms and ultrasound and it can be in both breasts in the lobules even though mammogram pics normal.It will be interesting to see what the report comes back as, I am hoping the benign breast disease I have doesn't hide anything on the MRI. My follow up was put in the diary before the MRI and will be mid march. The last time I was waiting for the mammogram and no news meant they probably had to discuss in the MDT meeting as nothing was obvious. I am beginning to think the longer I wait perhaps there's another? or no news is good news. My mum had breast cancer and so did an auntie on my dad's side so it's high risk for me too sadly.i am hoping at 51 the hormones eventually start to calm down and nothing else starts happening.

    Please keep me posted how you get on.


    I don't think my tablets for GORD are helping as my breasts have started to change alot more while being on them.

    I am grateful that they are on our cases and it will be much easier to deal with anything ASAP if needed.

    Thanks for your post, we aren't alone after all!

    Best wishes Guinea pig lover.x

    Take care, stay positive.


  • Hey GPL,


    thanks for the reply and the info, I didn't even know about this condition untilIi spoke to the consultant, so it's good to talk to someone with the same condition. Mine was picked up as an abnormality on the mammogram due to the size of the mass but it wasn't til they did the biopsy that they were able to diagnose.  I guess it must've been a shock for you finding out about the LCIS after initially being told it was a fibroadenoma. I hope you get your MRI results back soon, and also great that they are doing an MRI to check for any other abnormalities, but honestly the waiting is the worst ! I waited 2 weeks for the phone call for my biopsy results only to be asked for a face to face appointment and obviously prepared for the worst, but I was glad when it turned out to be LCIS. I'm also relieved that we will get yearly mammograms for the next 5 years as it's always good to keep an eye on this.  

    I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum and auntie, it's always a worry if it runs in the family, this can add to the anxiousness of the wait.  I've lost both parents to cancer too (breast cancer for my mum) both before retirement age, so it's scary going though this but I'm being hopeful and trying to think positive.

    Let me know the outcome and try not to worry too much, I'll also keep you updated with my progress. 

    Josa x

  • Dear Josa,

    I am so sorry for your loss, my auntie sadly passed away too.

    We will be ok, not everyone with LCIS gets cancer and it sounds as if we are being really well looked after. If anything does happen it will be caught early. Yes it was a shock though when they said about the LCIS and monitoring for 5 years but once you know what you're dealing with it becomes easier. Take care, Speak soon.xx GPL