What is wrong with my ankle?

Over the past few months I've been very troubled by my right ankle. It started off about 2/3 months ago when i was trying to sleep and my ankle just felt incredibly uncomfortable (I have no idea how else to describe it). After this it started happening every night, it then developed into happening during the day as well. And now sometimes there is a painful stabbing/throbbing just above the ankle and the other side of it is slightly swollen. Its really disrupting my life, I cant sleep and nothing seems to help, does this sound like anything?

  • Hi jasmineb2002

    Welcome to the forum.

    Sorry, but no one can diagnose you over the internet.  You need to see your GP, especially as this is now disrupting your life. 

  • Hi,

    As already advised, a GP needs to examine your ankle to see what the problem is. It could be caused by many different things. Have you been doing any exercise/walking more than usual? I have damaged my Achilles tendon with over exercise & it's causing pain in different parts of my ankle & I have a lump above my heel. It's very uncomfortable in bed too. See your GP & they may give you stretching exercises to do & advise you to wear a support. Rest your foot on a pillow in bed & whenever you sit down, elevate your foot to rest it. Hopefully yours will be something easily treatable like mine. Please let us know how you get on,
