What happens next? My dad has terminal cancer

Hi, so today we found out that chemotherapy has been unsuccessful for my father's stomach cancer. It has doubled in size and has spread to some of his main arteries. I'm not really sure what we should be expecting (other than a very vague prognosis). They said it could be up to a year, but we didn't find out what symptoms can get worse etc.

They also mentioned that there is a very slim chance of being able to get radiotherapy (it seems unlikely he will receive it). Has anyone had experience of having radiotherapy at stage 4 of stomach cancer? I feel uncertain about this as they said it's usually only used when the cancer can be easily targeted, but in this case my father's cancer has spread so aggressively so I was slightly confused as to why they offered this? I don't want to get my hopes up for this, or his hopes.

Any advice would also be helpful - whether it's coping advice, ways to make my father feel better, anything. He seems to brush the severity of this under the carpet and it's really tough. I, myself, am struggling to cope. I'm 24, in the middle of my masters degree and planning to get engaged this year. It's all very hard knowing that my dad won't be around for this. It's all very sudden and we wasn't expecting for th cancer to be so aggressive.

I do apologise for the incoherent spew above, I suppose it's a bit more of a vent because I don't really know who to ask about this stuff. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, or if anyone has similar experiences. 

  • Hello Sali26.  I am so sorry that the news is bad.  Although I have cared for terminally ill family and friends I do not have any specific advice about your father's situation - I just wanted to respond to your post.  There is nothing like cancer to knock your life to pieces and that of your loved ones.  Venting is good so please feel free to do this as much as you like.

    There is quite a bit of useful advice in other parts of this website.  I am copying one section which might be of use and you might find more useful information under the heading "About Cancer" (see top of screen).


    I don't know which doctor/nurse/whatever is providing information but you might like to make a list of the questions to which you want an answer when you next see them.  You can of course also ring the nurses here (0808 800 4040 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) to discuss anything that you are not sure about.

    I hope you get some more informative responses before long and I will follow any further correspondence.  Annie