What do I take from this?

Today I had a lesion removed from my buttock (been waiting a while). This was done under local - not general, and I had been told more than once that it was very small, shouldn't cause me any pain, and was most likely a epidermoid cyst. Well as I was having this removed, with much stopping as the pain was almost unbareable - the surgeon stopped saying how small the lesion was and was very careful in keeping my pain to a minimum, although he didn't tell me what he thought today, the samples taken have been sent to histology and cytology - is this a standard with unquestionably benign lesions?  I saw liquid had been extracted before the whole cyst was removed which looked almost black, The paperwork I have says I have had a 'lump' removed with diagnosis to follow. Is this normal practice too?! I am really happy to be rid of this thing, but I feel like I am in a detective story right now.