Waiting times

Hi everybody - just registered and now saying hello and introducing myself.  Wondered what people's experience was under the 2 week referral system.  I had an urgent referral to a Breast Care Clinic at the weekend and the referral letter said I should be contacted by 5 May for an appoitnment.  I rang yesterday the 5th as they hadn't rung and they said I should be contacted today.  The person I spoke to yesterday was very unhelpful and I'm getting anxious I won't get the call today.  Had hoped to be seen this week but not going to happen now, so there's the w/e to get through.  Wondering if I should have used some savings and paid privately for mammogran and ultrasound as I'd know by now.  Wondering if anybody has  paid for scans and where they went for them?

My symptoms are getting worse in that breast feeling increasingly uncomfortable - wondering what to do and if a few days delay would make much difference.  Best wishes to all of you worried or struggling.  Take care.  dianamary X

  • Hi . 
    I got referrred under the 2 week rule for gastroscopy . 
    I had the camera on the 9th day . 
    I got the full results 2 weeks later and now am having a ct scan tomorrow for chest , abdomen and pelvis 3 days after results . 
    once you have the initial appointment for me it's been very quick . 
    Hope you hear soon it's horrible the waiting I was anxious   Kodi x

  • Hi Kodi

    Many thanks for the reply.  I've now heard and appoinment is on 17 May which seems ages away. It'll be exactly 2 weeks from referral to the date I'm seen.  They do scans that first app. I'd hoped it would be sooner but just have to wait.

    Just to wish you all the best with your investigations - I hope all goes well. Take care. Dianamary x

  • Hope it goes well for you too x

  • Hi

    Hope you're coping ok. The waiting is horrid that's for sure. My clinic app came through for 12 days after I saw my GP. I was referred under the 2 week urgent referral pathway too. I struggled with the wait but was pleased that I actually had a date to work towards. I just tried to keep busy and my mind on other things - easier said than done though I know. 

    The clinic app was fine. Really organised and although quite stressful it was clear that the nurses/Dr's were totally committed to investigating my concerns. I felt really confident under their care if that makes sense?!?! 

    I had a biopsy taken and then had to book an app 2 weeks later. That is the protocol for my clinic. 2 week return date. That allows for biopsy analysis and then results go before a multidisciplinary team prior to seeing me. Boy! That 2 weeks was TOUGH! I found it hard to switch off! It did seem to come around fast though which was good. I had my results on Wed and a very clear plan of action. So under the circumstances all is good! 

    I hope your clinic app goes ok. Having a date of 17th is good. And I know it probably doesn't feel like it - it will come around faster than you think. 

    Lots of love xxx 

  • I had an appointment with the GP yesterday about a breast lump: he's referred me for the 2 week wait pathway but I was given a breast clinic appointment almost immediately and it's not for 3 weeks.  If they hadn't said it would be in 2 weeks I wouldn't mind!  As it is it's already starting to feel like a *very* long three weeks.  Like you, I'm wondering how much the delay is likely to matter.  

  • Thank you for the reply and relaying your experience.  Sounds like your clinic was well orgaqnised, the waiting is terrible though. As you say it does help when you have dates to focus on and when you feel the system is working and competent people are dealing with it all. I hope everything things work out for you and send you all good wishes.  dianamary x