Waiting on Biopsy results for Breast Cancer


I found a lump in my breast a few months ago and I finally saw the GP recently who referred me.  I was seen last Tuesday at the Breast Clinic where I had mammogram, ultrasound and biopsies.  I was told that the lumps (they found another one) were very suspicious.  I was then introduced to one of the Breast Care Nurses.

I received a copy of the letter sent to my GP and it reports a U5/M5 lesion.

I have an appointment with the Breast Surgery department on 19 December.  Is this because they believe that this is cancer or is it standard practice? 

I have only told my husband about all of this - I can't tell my children (five of them, aged 11-23) until I know for sure what's going on.   I don't want to tell anyone until I know for sure.

I am so conscious of my breast and the aching in my armpit.  

I feel pretty useless at the moment.

  • Hi mcsquared. Sorry for your news. The wait is horrible isn't it!

    I went for a mammogram and scan yesterday after finding a lump about 3 weeks ago. They did a biopsy and after an hour wait gave me the news they dont like the lump (their words) and that they are pretty sure it is cancer! Absolutely devastated.  My partner was with me thank god but I dont know what to tell my kids  aged 16 & 30.   They are gonna guess something is wrong as I cant  stop crying. I'm definitely pretty useless but feel really guilty I'm going to ruin everyone's xmas. I'm back for results on the 19th too. My daughters 30th birthday and I had booked us a spar day :cry: 

    They will remove the lumps whatever they are so I'd say it is normal procedure. Think positive thoughts ️ good luck