Waiting for results


I am currently waiting for the results of a biopsy. It's only been a day and am going stir crazy. I've had a biopsy before but was much younger (45 now) and just wasn't really too worried at the time. The area for concern is a cluster of micro calcifications. Has anyone else on this forum had this? 

I feel really silly getting so stressed out when I don't even know it's anything to worry about. There are people dealing with a lot more!! 

any advice for this time gratefully received xx

  • Hi Spanner_hp and welcome to the community.

    Waiting for test results is always a challenge so try not to be too hard on yourself when you feel you're getting stressed about this, as it's only natural to feel like this from time to time until your results have come through.

    Many of our members have been where you are now so you are not alone and hopefully some of them will be along soon to offer their support and advice.

    In the meantime, we're thinking of you, will have our fingers crossed for good news and hope the tips and advice given in this article will help keep your nerves at bay until you know more.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator