Waiting for results

I had a route mammogram and got the dreaded letter to go for assessment.  Lump found on left breast and cone biopsy taken .ultrasound on lymph node no biopsy taken but nothing said . Is this a good thing or bad ,? The doctor said the lump looked like cancer. I have not slept or eaten since. Could any one give me any advise on the next steps .Get my results on Wed afternoon and how they got through the waiting time. Many thanks .

  • Hi Moseley, I know that you asked this question in another thread, and hopefully you have seen my reply as I know what a horrid time this is for everyone who has to go through this. Hope also that others will try to help you too. Take care, x

  • Hi
    I have just finished the process after a CT scan showed up an area of concern back in August. It is definitely a waiting game initially and a scary time as you always think the worst case scenario! I would say try not to think too far ahead at this stage. The doctors do see a lot of lumps and areas of concern so they know what to look for. Mine said while I had my biopsy during an ultrasound'I have to say it looks very worrying'! Once someone says these things your mind goes into over drive. 
    Everyone is different and has different treatments. Once you have a proper diagnoses then you will get a treatment plan and feel a little easier as you have something to work towards. That said mine changed a couple of times and did have to wait for results on several occasions. I had a mastectomy and reconstruction and am now 10 weeks post surgery. Doing well, they got it all so no radiotherapy or chemo needed and taking Letrozole for 10 years to help reduce risk of it returning. There is a journey to go through and no one can tell you what that will entail at this stage but it won't be long. Hang in there, talk to positive people and allow yourself time. It's ok to feel all the emotions you are going through but remember you are not alone.

    good luck and let us know how it goes it's not cancer and if it is there is so much that can be done now and so many people with experiences to help you get through whatever is thrown at you.

    take care xx

  • Thank you so much for reassuring me . I couldn't feel any lump before the mammogram, but I do have large breast. Since the cone biopsy I can feel it .and now can't  stop touching it . Been to Doctors to day for medication to help me sleep . So hopefully I will feel a bit more settled tomorrow.  I will keep you up dated. So glad that things have gone well with you . Xx

  • Dear Moseley,

    Sorry too meet you hear,  I am so sorry that you have had  bad news that they think it's cancer, let's hope it's not but this is the worst you will feel the unknown and what's ahead is frighting, I know I have been there, you mind just goes to every worst sinario possible. 

    When you go on Wednesday they have a lot of information for you, from the biopsy they will be able to tell you what type of breast cancer you have and what steps they will take to treat it. 

    I will say try not to worry but I know you will. Take someone with you at your next appointment, it's a lot too take in you will be given lots of information.

    Your Breast care nurse is a great help, I asked her after my meeting to go through things again with me.

    You will be okay I promise, you've got this! It's now being sorted which is the most positive thing.

    Love Sarah 

  • Hi

    Fingers crossed its good news for you. Your team will discuss treatment options and do the best for you. I had lymph nodes underarm removed at the same time as surgery to remove the lump and was given the results of the lymph nodes afterwards. Everybody is different though so you will know more and can ask questions when you get your results. I remember the waiting but now it's just a distant memory, wishing you all the best, let me know,


  • Thank you for your kind words. I have had about 4 hours sleep and feel a lot better for it. I can't belive that I can't wait for Wednesday to come. Xx

  • Thank you for your kind words. I am dreading the news on Wednesday, but can't wait as well strange feeling x

  • I have been letrozole since August 2021 haven't had surgery I think they just trying keep it at bay I had CT with contrast 2 weeks ago I have breast, bone lung cancer really was a shock now I am just living everyday as it comes but I have have felt better since been on the meds god bless you all
  • Hi Albert56

    I am sorry sorry to hear your news and no wonder you are in shock! I'm glad the Letrozole is helping! It's so difficult getting your head around everything and I don't think we do really! We just get caught up in the journey and go from one treatment to the next. 
    you look after yourself.
