Waiting for results

Hi there, I was sent for an urgent biopsy of enlarged lymph nodes in my groin last week. 
Im going a bit crazy waiting for the results. 
i spoke to my consultants secretary yesterday and they have the results but I have to wait for a follow up appointment before I get them.  Would I get an appointment quickly if the results are bad news? Or if it was positive news would they not just tell me over the phone? 

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat, Ames1977.

    I'm sorry to hear about your situation. As many members here can tell you, the waiting game can be the worst with anxiety at sky-high levels but do try to take your mind off things if at all possible, you've done everything you could have done already.

    Hopefully, other members who are in a similar situation will stop by soon to chat with you and offer support but until then, if you find too difficult to keep dark thoughts out of your mind, feel free to give our friendly team of nurses on this number 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday, between 9 a.m - 5 p.m.

    Best wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator