Waiting for results

I was told i had bowel cancer two weeks ago. I had a ct scan last week and tomorrow i will be given the results and told the next steps. It has all been such a shock as i feel fit and healthy. I am feeling very anxious about tomorrow and dreading what they might say. Although a nurse spoke to me after the initial diagnosis, i feel a bit like ive been left to deal with it. It is a very lonely experience.


  • Hi Sandy,

    Everyone on here agrees, waiting is one of the worst times. I dont know why but our minds always assumes the worst case scenario. I guess it's the price we pay for mans inquisitive nature. I hope you get good results but please let us know how you get on. Sending best wishes your way, Brian.

  • Hi Sandra, as Brian mentioned, waiting for results and a treatment plan after an initial diagnosis is hell and, as you rightly say, a very lonely place. At this point time seems to stand still but your mind is going 100 miles an hour, if that makes sense? Your appointment tomorrow should confirm exactly what the issue is for you and, more importantly, what they intend to do about it so hopefully this will give you a little peace of mind at least. Do write down any questions you have beforehand as it is normal when in shock not to take in most of what is being said at the time. I wish you all the very best for tomorrow and do let us know how you get on if you would like to. Take care Sue x