Waiting for diagnosis for breast cancer

Hi everyone.  Just had appointment for lump in breast and underarm  and waiting for biopsy  results on 13th Dec. I feel so helpless and trying to be strong for my family  but inside I feel like i ,m falling apart   everyone us trying to be so positive  but I feel as though I know the outcome myself and need to prepare them for it. I feel like screaming.  I would be grateful for any thoughts on this. Thanks for listening all. X

  • Jackie 

    did they tell you to expect a diagnosis or do you think it's gunna be a diagnosis? 


  • Hi,

    I found keeping busy was the only way I could stay sane, my house is never as clean as it is when I've got a results appointment coming up! I also watch my comfort TV, so it doesn't mater if my thoughts drift. 

    I know it's tempting, but try not to Google anything - there is so much information and at this point obviously you don't know what (if anything at all) is relevant, so it can be a minefield. 

    I'd also say if you feel like you want to scream, scream. You are the one in this situation and as much as I'd agree with trying to be positive, it's not realistic for you to be positive all the time at the moment. 

    I hope that's vaguely helpful, and sending you lots of positive thoughts and wishes for the 13th x

  • Thanks for replying  it's good to know there are people out there offering their thoughts and suggestions it's made me feel that I can share my thoughts with people who know how I feel.  Thanks again. X