Waiting for date for surgery

Hi there. So I've had a couple of lumps removed and have had a ductectomy but.... Latest scan has uncovered a tumour in both breasts. It unfortunately runs in my mum's family with just myself and my daughter left all females have passed on with BC. 

I've made the decision to have a double mastectomy with reconstruction as I want to see my two newborn grandsons grow up.  

I won't fib but I'm really nervous and wondered if anyone can give me some advice on recovery. 


Many thanks ladies!!! You are all so so brave and courageous and amazing. Karen

  • Hi Karen...

    I know how scary it is waiting for things to happen ... and the mind goes in over drive ...and with your family history,  no wonder your worried ..

    I had no family history of breast cancer... and I've got a huge family ... so it's funny how it goes ... but honestly,  looking back ... I think the worst part was waiting for masectomy... I had a grade three... and I plumbed for a total masectomy ... just wanted that uninvited guest out ...  I did have anti depressants for the week leading up to the op .. which really helped .. 

    I was surprised how little pain after .. just paracetamol the next day ... where I was thinking I'd need morphine... but it was fine ... the arm with lymph nodes taken was tender for quite a while ... I only had my right boob taken ... but there is one lass on here who really got me through [@Jolamine]‍ mine ... she was my angel ... she had a double masectomy... we both didn't have reconstruction... and I'm fine with that .. he took my boob but I got something far more precious.... time ... mine was two years ago now ..

    Anyways there's lots of us breast lasses on here .. all those who came on here with me are still standing ..  so keep in mind it's come a long way now .. there's lots of different treatments... so hang in there .. get in that boxing ring with us all and let's kick cancers *** together ...  

    Chrissie x 

  • Hi Chriss

    Thank you so very much for your reply I feel very comfortable knowing I'm not alone with such great support. My husband and children are just amazing but I cover up much of my fear because if I crumble they will too. 

    Waiting is the worst I asked my surgeon to please not leave me waiting to long but I worry about everything at the moment. 


    Thank you for everything xx


    Hi Karen,

    Welcome to the forum, although I'm sorry that you've had to join us.

    When did you have your surgery?  It must have knocked you for six to discover a tumour in both breasts this time. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer in the past 10 years. Initially I had a lumpectomy, followed by Tamoxifen. When I discovered another lump in the same breast a year later, I had a double mastectomy, followed by Letrozole, which I took for 6 years. I stopped taking this in July 2017. I couldn't have reconstruction, due to previous non-cancer related surgery, but I manage well with a selection of prostheses.

    I too have a history of cancer in the family, having lost both parents, several relatives and close friends to it. My mum had breast cancer for 12 years before she developed secondary cancer in her liver, lungs, breast and brain. Sadly, she didn't last for long after that. Fortunately, treatments are improving all the time and, a breast cancer diagnosis is no longer a death sentence There is just no comparison between the diagnosis, treatment and after care which I have received and that which my mum experienced and, many people are now living with breast cancer instead of dying with it.

    Have you decided what type of reconstruction you'll be having? Like you, I was terrified at the thought of a double mastectomy, but the operation was much more straight-forward than I'd imagined. The main thing to remember is to do your exercises religiously after surgery.

    Please let us know when you get a date for your surgery and how you get on with it. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


  • Hi Jolamine

    I've not had surgery yet I'm waiting for a date. It did Knock me completely off my feet I'd had clear scans just 12  months before that so I wasn't expecting this diagnosis. The one on the left is grade 2 and the one on my right is grade 1!!! My surgeon is just amazing She has advised this surgery along with the operation to remove my ovaries and fallopian tubes to hopefully stop everything in its tracks. 

    Im going for the implants as I'm only a tiny size 6 do don't really have any loose skin to spare. I've got a good network of friends and family. 

    Can ii ask about the drains ??? Are they painful and hard to look after?  Thank you for all the amazing support. 

    Love Karen x


    Hi Karen,

    I'm glad that you have caught both at an early grade. This should improve your chances. It sounds as if your surgeon is taking no chances. It is so important to have a surgeon that you have faith in. It is also good to hear that you have such a good network of family and friends. The implants sound like the best choice for you, when you are so tiny.

    The drains are a bit trickier when you have two of them, but it is perfectly manageable. I made 2 shoulder bags to carry the drains in, but in the end, the hospital supplied 2. This meant that I wasn't attached to two drip stands all the time. I managed to pull one of the drains out when I was having a shower, which was rather messy, but I was in the best place to deal with it. A nurse came and quickly reattached it. I did get a little build up which had to be drained off, but that was virtually painless and I felt much more comfortable once it was taken away.

    They are not too keen to take extra fluid away unless it is really troublesome, as it is better to let the body reabsorb any fluid build up. As far as I understand, aspirating the area only encourages more fluid build up and, this can delay healing.

    I found it handy to have nighties/PJs which opened at the front when I was in hospital. This made it easier to show my care team my breast without having to undress each time.

    I hope that your appointment comes through soon and that all goes well for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx