waiting for biopsy results

Hi..My names Maz..I too am waiting for biopsy results I go on friday I have had a 16 day wait and I am going mad...I am 61..I went to GP with a very large painful lump in left breast which suddenly appeared..I had a 2 week wait for my mammogram ultrasound and biopsy..the doctor told me this will be malignant..waiting 16 days for my next app has been hell...I have been on the internet...wrong move ! ....2 days to go...all I seem to do is cry..I know it wont change anything but i cant stop..

not sure if i have done this right or if i have posted on the right bit

  • Hi Maz.  So sorry to hear you are going through this.  The uncertainty and waiting is very scary.  I have always thought of myself as fairly level headed but going through the diagnosis process is just not like anything I have ever experienced. From being told to confirmation took 7 weeks in my case and they were horrible ones.  Now I know what is wrong I feel better but waiting for the next appointment to get the treatment started now I am beginning to get scared again.  You aren't alone.  Hope you get some news soon and best of luck with everything.  Thoughts are with you. Nick

  • Thank you Nick....I feel like today is my last "normal" day because as of tomorrow it all hits the fan....but at least then i will know ...best of luck for you too 

  • Hi Maz, Sorry to hear that you had to wait so long. Its important to take time for yourself and allow yourself to be sad and think about everything. But the next step is to accept asap the fact that things are as they are for the moment. Cancer is not a death sentence.. thefirst few weeks are harsh, but at some point you will get used to it. Keep in mind that it is very important to be willing to fight. Talk to doctors, ask as many questions as you need. Let them explain, but dont let them bring you down. There are no statistics in cancer, each individual responses differently to theraphy. It is important to change you diet, eat as healthy as possible, remove sugar from you regular diet, keep your mind busy with your other parts of the body, and let the doctors take care of the rest. Hang out with family and friends. I wish you good luck.
  • Good luck tomorrow Maz.  I have chased the hospital again.  Feel awful for being so annoying but it has been 8 weeks since I was first told and just want to get the next step in the diary.  All the best.  Nick

  • Thank you for your reply and advice Kreshnik..I willl definitly be fighting ....unfortunatly my diet is not very good as i have stomach problems so lots of things that are good for you I cant eat ...I have to eat a low fat diet because of gallstones gastritis etc but I have been eating a lot of sweets/sugar so i must stop that...x

  • Hi Nick....Thank you ...I am feeling really scared now...tomorrow is nearly here..

    I think its dreadful the hospital have still not got back to you after 8 weeks..they dont seem to care that we are going out of our minds worrying which is not good for anyone....stress is bad !...I hope they get back to you asap...All the best to you too ...Maz

  • Thanks Maz.  Thoughts are with you.  Let me know how you get on.  No point in me saying "stay positive" or anything because our minds go on whatever journeys they want to.  All I can say is that I truly hope you come to terms with whatever prognosis you are given and are able to live your life to the full.

    all the best


  • By the way... I am coeliac and was diagnosed late in life.  Believe this was a facrtor in my illness....

  • Well I have breast cancer.......the Dr said it's 2cm and treatable....now the waiting game for an op (anything up to 4 weeks he said ) to remove it with some lymph nodes from my armpit...then once healed radiotherapy...I feel much calmer now I know...the stress was causing such stomach problems...I think I am probably coeliac..I was never tested but advised by my dietitian to go gluten free..I have lots of family members with it and I have the same symptoms as them.....have you heard back from the hospital yet ?...  Maz...

  • Hi Maz

    So pleased to hear it is treatable.  Hope they get on with it quickly.  Brilliant news!

    Had the weirdest day.  Chased the specialist's secretary again today as my breathing is a bit difficult as the cancer is in my ribs.  She called back and said that the haematologist and radiographer were available to see me at 3.  My wife couldn't come along as had to pick up the kids.  Anyway, I thought it was to discuss a treatment plan as had the diagnosis confirmed last Wednesday but when I got there it was to say that they had sent one of my bone samples for further tests.  Don't know what for or why.  They have said that if it comes back with the original prognosis I will be straight in.  

    Wrote about this on another thread earlier on.  It helps to try and assemble your thoughts but I am very, very scared of why things have changed.  They also said that I was originally booked in this Tuesday but that was changed because they sent off for further tests.  

    The cancer I was told I had is rare (about 200 a year) but the prognosis is pretty good.  What worries me is that there a couple of similar ones that are more rare which are not as good.  All I can think is that this is what they are thinking.

    Cant really remember what was said to me fully as was in a bit of a state and didn't ask the right questions for the same reason.

    Will let you know what happens next.

    Thank you for letting me know your news.  It is good to hear something positive but you need to keep on top of them and get that date fixed in the diary!

    All the best
