Waiting for atypical mole removal and tests - a bit scared

I've had an odd mole on my leg for a while (not sure exactly how long but at least a year). It is quite large, quite dark and looks "smudged" at one end. I should have got it checked sooner I expect, but I have quite severe health anxiety and am used to not being able to trust my body or my mind when something appears to be wrong - so it took me a while to be certain that my concern was valid.

My GP gave me a 2-week emergency referral for dermatology and I had my first appointment yesterday. The doctor I saw agreed that the mole looks odd and not like any of the (many) other moles I have and therefore she wants to remove and test it. Specifically, she said that although it's still small, it looks "disorganized" on close inspection. 

They couldn't remove it right then, as they didn't have the right people in, so I have to go back on Monday. I explained that this had caused me a lot of fear/anxiety and asked if she could give me any perspective/reassurance. Her response was a long sigh, silence and then saying that it's hard to tell either way without the tests... and I fully understand that I put her on the spot with such a question and that she really *can't* tell me anything without the tests... but obviously I'm now still quite scared and that particular response hasn't helped. 

I'm not going to put anyone else on the spot here, as much as I'd love someone to say "yes, you're going to be fine", but if anyone has some solidarity to spare, it would be gratefully received. I'm getting married soon and have just accepted a new job, but it feels like I can't think about any of those things with pleasure because "well I might be dead before then" (thanks for the catastrophizing, anxiety brain). 

Thank you!

  • Hi Sophie,

    Everything you are feeling is totally normal and common and we all hope that the consultant can say, one way or the other, with some certainty if it's good or bad but sadly they really can't. Those with years of experience may have a good idea if a mole looks benign or malignant but they really can't say for sure because only a biopsy is the foolproof way to know. Melanoma is the most unpredictable and sneakiest of cancers and doesn't always look or behave like we expect, so that is why dermatologists can't make a definitive decision without a biopsy.

    All I can say to give you some solidarity is that roughly 75% of patients get benign results, 20% are dysplastic (pre cancerous) and 5% are melanoma so there is still a very good chance that your mole isn't malignant. If unlucky enough to be melanoma, don't despair as it's not the end of the world. 95% of melanoma patients are treated successfully with surgery and regular monitoring for a time. So try not to catastrophise - distract your thoughts by throwing yourself into your new job and wedding plans and deal with this a step at a time rather than jumping ahead to 'worse case scenario' thoughts. 

    Good luck and please let us know how you get on.

  • Thank you Angie, the perspective and stats are really helpful - I think that's what I was really trying to ask the dermatologist, but it came out as "do I need to panic?" which is an entirely different, less helpful question. 

    I have about 3 days to wait until it's removed, and then however long after that for results. Will try and keep myself busy in the meantime!


  • A quick update: I had the mole removed yesterday. I am a bit sore today but otherwise fine. Apparently results will take about 4 weeks, which was a bit disappointing so I'm still managing some of the anxiety over what exactly it was, if anything. 

    However, it's not on my leg anymore, so that's a good thing!

  • Hello Angie - it took a while but just got confirmation through that it was just a dysplastic mole and has been entirely removed. So it all turned out ok!