Waiting for an urgent scan

Hi everyone, 

I had a hysterectomy last year but still have my ovaries. In May of this year I started bleeding after having sex and found that sex itself was quite uncomfortable. We thought maybe it was something to do with the surgery, so didn't really think anything of it. Then a month or so ago I noticed I was bleeding at other times too. Not much, but sometimes I would go to the loo and see it on the tissue or in the bowl. 


I saw my GP about it three weeks ago. She examined me and it was painful. She told me there is a "mass" on my back wall (she's noted it on my records as a "fleshy lesion"). She referred me for an urgent scan but I haven't heard from radiology yet. I saw a different GP last week who has also referred me to gynaecology to get the ball rolling. 


My GP told me it could be that part of my cervix was left behind when I had the hysterectomy, but that sounds unlikely to me because they examined me 6 weeks after the surgery and said it all looked good. She said it could also be a polyp. Or, it could be something more serious. 


How long do the urgent scan referrals tend to take? I was told by my GP I'd hear in 1 to 2 weeks, but it's been three weeks so far and I haven't heard anything. The receptionist has checked for me and radiology confirmed they've received the urgent referral. Also, how long will the wait be to see a gynaecologist? 


I can't stop thinking about it. I have a 2 year old and an autistic 5 year old :-(