Waiting again

So after MRI, ultrasound and MRI again I get to be shuttled from hospital back to GP and re-referred again on to another department - still nowhere. I feel like I am in some kind of weird nightmare! This growth is still there. Still wakes me up. Gives me pain, Who cares? I do. Without a biopsy who knows what it is? Why am I left with this? I have been told without biopsy they don't know - but it's OK to leave it as it appears benign - but it's growing but that's OK? What kind of a world do we live in? I am tired of this.


    Hi Songbird,

    I am so sorry to hear this. Sometimes it can take a number of different tests to identify the problem. There are a number of different reasons for a growth in your breast and not all are cancerous. In fact is unusual for breast pain to be associated with breast cancer. Many people develop benign cysts, fibrous or hormonal changes. Do you have an appointment for this other department yet and do you know what department you have been referred to?

    It is always frustrating when we don't get straightforard answers. I hope that you perservere and get a more satisfactory answer soon.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine,

    The growth isn't in my breast, otherwise it probably would have been dealt with by now. It's in my glute muscle near my sciatic nerve (hence pain radiating). Why the hospital had to send me back to GP and not refer me inter-department I have no idea! So after waiting over a year to see someone and beyond that, another 5 months or so for tests, MDT's and whatever - I am put to the back of another queue. I am waiting for someone in general surgery now to see 'if' they will remove this. I have been a very patient patient in a lot of ways - but I just feel like I have got absolutely nowhere. The lump itself is not painful - and to look at me, you can't see it. But it causes pressure, burning pain, then sometimes the pain is so bad I can barely move and my tailbone goes numb, or it radiates into my hip like a gnawing toothache, or I end up with cramp that wakes me up screaming. I'm just having a really bad weekend. I can't even ask for an appointment for another 6 weeks from my referral letter - so that's getting me down too!


    Hi Songbird,

    Sorry, my misunderstanding. If it's in your glutes, this is why you have been referred to general Surgery. It is good news that the lump is considered to be benign. The pain you describe is very typical of sciatica. I have had this myself and know just how debilitating I found it. I sincerely hope that you get your appointment through soon and that something can be done to reduce the pressure.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx