

So I found a small lump near my nipple 2 weeks ago, I saw my GP who sent me to a consultant at the hospital. The consultant had a poke around and said my left breast feels 'quite lumpy' (ahhh). But now I have to wait 2 weeks for an ultrasound (I'm 33). Today the original lump feels much bigger and the skin over it is red and tender.

2 weeks feels like such a long wait, is that a normal amount of time to wait?. I go through times of thinking its fine, probably just cysts to thinking I must take out life insurance asap :| I have a 10 month old baby and I can't help but think the worst.

Don't know why I'm posting really just feel like I need to say it to someone. Everyone else thinks I'm worrying about nothing :(

  • Hello SaraCK,

    Although going through different concerns, I am a 52 yr old male with shadow on lung, it is natural to be concerned. I also have had little or no explanation as to what tests I am having or why.  The only thing I have found out is that if it is remotely possible it is sonething sinister they will act as if it is until proven otherwise. So I hope your tour through the process is rapid and proven to be unnecassary. Good luck. I think BT said once it's good to talk. :)

  • Hi, SaraCK

    Yes, a 2-week wait is normal.

    It's great that you saw your GP as soon as you found the lump. 

    Most lumps aren't cancer, as you know. But if it is cancer, the main problem will be finding good childcare while you have treatment. Because breast cancer seems to be very treatable. (I know because I was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple of weeks ago.)

    Once you have the diagnosis, they have you in for tests and then treatment very quickly. 

    As you went straight to your GP, you could be clear of cancer and well in 6 months.

    But it is very likely that it isn't cancer.

    Well done for getting to the GP so soon after you found the lump.

    God bless you and your baby