Vocal cord squamous cell carcinoma

On the 24th February 2018 my husband was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the left vocal. It was originally thought he had a callus.

the cancer was shaved off  in an operation and sent off for a biopsy, it was the biopsy that picked it up. At 46 years of age and have never smoked and drinks minimal alcohol. Runs 3 times a week to say everyone was shocked is an understatement.

scans were done and it was graded as a T1. N0. M0 which was the best of the worst situation. 

It was decided that the best option moving forward was radiotherapy as to go back into surgery could damage his voice for ever.

he started radiotherapy on the 19th March 2018 for four weeks. We were told about all the horrendous side effects he would endure.

he started treatment and he voice came back around two weeks into treatment. He did feel extremely tired and at the end of the four weeks his voice went again completely, but that was it. No feeding tube, no pain killers, no build up drinks, no soft foods.

we were concerned that this treatment hadn’t worked as everything we were told about didn’t happen other than tiredness and loss of voice. We were reassured that it had burnt the area needed. At the beginning off May he had the camera down this worst the first time anyone had looked in since the operation. Unfortunately the consultant couldn’t see anything due to the trauma of the radiotherapy and we go back now the 13th June. My husband voice is getting stronger day by day and it isn’t far away from how he sounded before this nightmare started. We have a long way to go! 5 years worth of check ups which we welcome but please remember anyone going through this diagnosis your all on your own journey. Everyone is different. We were told it was my husband age, fitness, mind set and copious amounts of water he drank and still do that has got him where he is today.

as I say it’s still not over but we are keeping everything crossed. I felt like I needed to put his story forward as the stories I read prior to treatment kept me awake for nights on end, but it’s not always as bad I we think it’s going to be. 

Sending hope to you all!

  • Hi thereshocked 46

    welcome to the forum and hopefully it will be helpful to you . My husband was diagnosed with squamous cell cancer of the tonsils in December 2015. This came out of the blue as he had a swelling develop in the rght side if his neck which was the only symptom. Like your husband he is fit - runs 3-4 times a week, non smoking, tea total and vegetarian so ut was a real shock to us. He gad surgery , 5 cycles of chemo plus 6 weeks of VMAT radiotherapy and a neck dissection as it was still present in his lymph nodes on his post treatment PET scan. As you say tge side effect were horrendous but we kept pisitive - hecworked everday from home tgrough out and here we are a year and a half in remission looking forward to the future.

    Wishing you lots of luck for a continued recovery for your hubby and a positive outcome.

    best wishes



  • Hi Newlymarried thank you for your reply.

    its good to hear success stories, keeps us positive, my husband has also worked right through which has kept him focused. So pleased your hubby is in remission that’s great to hear. Long may it continue. Sending good wishes to you both.

  • I was pleased to read this. Thank you so much  for posting.

    My husband has just been diagnosed with the same. We haven't had the scan yet, but they are talking about 2 weeks of radiotherapy. We don't know what to expect. Will that be every day for 2 weeks? Or 2 sessions a week apart?

    He had a blood cancer 2 years ago which destroyed his spleen. Surgery went wrong and resulted in 7 more trips to the operating theatre. By the time he was able to start the chemo, he had gone from 12 St to 8 St. The 6 months of chemo finished just over a year ago he has only just started to get back towards normal. We are totally gutted that  he now has to face more treatment for a totally different kind of cancer.

    Are there any tips that'll make the treatment easier? 



  • Good morning, glad your husband is recovering well, I had to reply and will use your husbands mindset as my inspiration, I have been diagnosed with the same thing except my cancer is on the right vocal chord, it has not spread anywhere else and is just located on my vocal chord, I sound very hoarse and sound like I need a good cough, I have today been told about all the horrendous side effects to expect and it's absolutely terrified me, I am too 46 and don't smoke or drink and am relatively fit, after reading your post it has helped and given me the confidence to face this head on, I start 6 weeks of radiotherapy in just over a weeks time.

    thank you and all the best for your husbands future

  • I'm so sorry to hear that you also have the same cancer as my husband.

    just to let you know he was two years post treatment on the 13th April this year and he is still being monitored on a regular basis and all is still well. I hope that news can give you a bit more courage and determination to know you can beat this. I wish you well with your treatment stay strong and positive, the mind is very powerful.

    My husband swares by water the more the better. He never took a painkiller throughout. He did have the odd Guinness lol.

    He sounded exactly the same as your explaining and we were also terrified listening to the awful experience he was about to face. 
    sending best wishes and positive thought your way.