Hi i'm just wondering if anyone can give me advice or support, i have just recently been diagnosed with Vulva imprethilia neoplasia stage 1. I have been under the gynecologist for the past 8 months with small crack/sores on the vulva area(labia minora) i was first diagnosed with linchen planus by the gynecologist which i found hard to belive as i did not have the classical symptoms of linchen planus. They gave me numerous steroids and moisturisers to use but the lesions were not responding to the treatment. I got 4 different second opinion from other gynecologist aswell as dermatologist and all of them were saying it is eczema/linchen planus but non of them were willing to do a biopsy. I stressed to all the professionals that i am concerned it is either cancer or VIN but all of them were reassuring me that it was not and that i am getting ocd about my vulva area. I eventually went back to my gynecologist and insisted for a biopsy which she was reluctant to do but i refused to take a No for an answer this time, so eventually she agreed to do the biopsy. Last week i received a letter to state that my biopsy indicated VIN 1( very mild precancerous cell changes but no cancer detected in my biopsy sample). I new i was right. 

My smear was normal with no hpv detected. My biopsy did not detect hpv neither.

I am absolutely devastated with this diagnosis and don't know what the future holds for me. 

My gynecologist team said they are not concerned and that my cells can go back to normal. I'm more concerned about  the lesion not healing and do not want the VIN to progress. 

Is there any treatment for Vin 1 as my gynecologist said we only treat VIN 3. So i did my research and noticed there are creams they can prescribe and mentioned this to my gynecologist team and they agreed to prescribe me this cream, but I'm scared if the cream does not clear the lesion.

Has anyone else been in similar situation as me as i would greatly appreciate any advice and support.

I have googled and scared my self to death about the operations rgey do that can change your vulva anatomy. I am only 37 years old.

  • Hello Rehanax1, 

    You did the right thing in insisting on a biopsy - at least you know now that you are dealing with very mild pre-cancerous cell changes and that no cancer was detected in the biopsy sample. It sounds like your gynaecology team are not overly concerned and that your cells can go back to normal. Information on VIN can be found on our website and it does indeed mention that VIN1 often goes away without treatment. I hope that the cream will do the trick and clear the lesion for you. 

    Try to stay well away from the temptation to google anything and stick to your gynaecology team's advice which will be far more reliable than Google. Looking things up on google will inevitably result in you scaring yourself to death when it is highly unlikely you will need this operation. Do talk to your specialist about your fears as they will be best placed to reassure you on this. 

    I hope it all clears up super quickly for you and that the cream works really well.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator