Very quick MRI scan appointment

Hi all,

My husband had his first appointment at ENT on Tuesday. They did a biopsy and 2 hours later confirmed a tumor in his parotid gland (no symptoms other than a lump) they said they can't rule out cancer, more tests needed including another biopsy and MRI scan.

He then got a call the very next morning for an MRI appt on Saturday (today) only 5 days wait. Is that not unheard of? I thought it would take up to 2 weeks. 

Obviously this worries me a little, I wondered if anyone else has had an MRI appointment so quickly? We also thought the biopsy would be first?




  • Hi there

    I dont think your experience is unusual, at least it is simialr to mine in terms of speed!


    I had a hysterectomy in june for the management of symptoms from endometriosis.  Since surgery ive lost three stone and suffered bowel issues.  At my post op appointment my consultant immediately sent me for bloods an that evening called to say I was on the cancer pathway.  Two days later I hzd a CT scan and five days after that a colonoscopy.  I am now awaiting biospy results which they said woukd be two weeks so due next week.


    From my understanding they scan first so they know where to biopsy and have a fuller picture.


    Although daunting that everything happens so fast I must say the trewtment has been excellent and everyone so.compssionate.   Its reassuring to know they are ru ling out (i hope) worst case scenario before further investiagtions on what the issue is.  If you are unsure of why certain things are happening in my experience my consultant has been great at making herself available to clarify anything so worth contacting your husband s consultant to help put your mind at rest, where possible.

    Good luck and I hope the resu lts are clear.x