Very anxious mum

Hi I really don't know what to do with myself I've always since being a mum a very anxious health person I am always worried I'm gonna get cancer or have cancer well in fact I had pre cancerous cells back in 2001 now I'm totally obsessive and worried I have breast cancer but I'm the opposite of people I won't ho to doctors for the fear of being told yes you do have cancer I currently can feel what I think is a lump in right boob up top part of my breast one minute I can feel next can't I am that bad not only do I bruise myself I have also cut myself from digging so hard but my right boob feels quite lumpy all over the top part I've just become a mum for the 4th time at 43 and am so so scared of dying and my lo not knowing me I have had a lump before which I felt in my gut to get checked out but not this time I am over obsessive I am even getting anyone to feel there to see if they can feel it to top it off I think my might be perimenopausal to and I know I'm so scared and worried as my mum has lung cancer aswell and that scares the poo out of me along with the adverts and the endless ppl on news who have been diagnosed with cancer and are young to I think eventually I will get the guts to go doctors just a stupid person I guess I am sorry for this 

  • Hi and thanks for posting

    I'm sorry to hear about your mum and your own anxiety about cancer - this must be hard to live with. It's by no means about being stupid - many people have health anxieties and it can be very difficult trying to get to the GP to get checked out for fear of what they may say. You have a lot on your plate just having had your 4 th baby, and this automatically raises all sorts of anxieties too.

    However, it's most probably not in your best interests not to go and see someone, as your fear and anxiety will only increase and you will feel the knowledge of not knowing whether there is a lump or not , will take over your life.

    So try and pluck up courage - perhaps tell a friend who will encourage you and can be with you when you make the appointment. It may initially be just a phone call with the GP, but they can invite you in to get checked out. Many people will have lumpy breasts and breast lumps can be cysts , benign (not cancerous) or due to breast feeding. 

    You can also try and have a chat about your health anxiety as this can't be easy. There is some more here about anxiety on this website 

    I hope you manage to make the appointment for your own peace of mind

    All the best
