Vaginal melanoma

Hey all

First post here, well I guess that's because I've been lucky enough to not have to worry about the C word. 

Anyway, I'm panicking and worrying and really would like to know if anyone has had anything similar. 

I went to my GP to ask about some black marks I've found on my vulva. He took a look and said....'oh yes... there's 6 of them.... looks like a melanoma to me, but we'll get you seen by a dermatologist. 

With a 2 week wait on my hands I'm in a world of panic and even more so, because there's just so little information available to know what I'm looking at. 

I just want to know from actual people and not google, whether or not 6 black marks are something to worry about? They're around the same size as a 5 pence price and some smaller. 

im 34 and from what I have seen vaginal melanomas are extremely rare, so I'm really hoping and praying that I've had a lucky escape.


but if anyone has had anything similar I'd really appreciate some information


thanks so much x

  • Hi,

    I have no personal experience of mucosal melanoma as mine is subcutaneous melanoma and I know how rare mucosal, especially vulva/vagina, is. It's so rare that I'm surprised that it sprung to the mind of your GP, even some dermatologists haven't had a patient present with this in their career! Which makes me hope that your GP may be wrong but only a biopsy will diagnose the cause.

    I know you've looked on the Internet but just in case you haven't seen this link I've attached it as it may help 

    Try to distract yourself whilst waiting for your appointment - I'm sure you won't be waiting too long. Good luck and please let us know how you get on. If you do need a biopsy and it shows melanoma then I can give you more information on treatment (that is showing promising results).

    Angie (Stage 3 patient)

  • Hi Angie 

    Thanks so much for getting in touch. I'll check that link out tonight and see if it helps at all 

    My appointment is on the 23rd and I've heard it's around 3 days to expect my results so nail biting time until that point. 

    I don't know if it's related at all but my smear just came back clear which has lifted a small weight off my shoulders. 

    I'll keep in touch regardless and let you know what the outcome is 

    thanks again ️ Hannah 


  • Ok so I've been to the dermatologist and I've already had a call to do a biopsy 

    The wait is horrendous. I'm pretty terrified and haven't confided in anyone. 

    does anyone know how long is takes for biopsy results? 

    thanks x

  • Hi Hannah,

    The waiting is the worst part of this I'm afraid. Hospitals differ in how long results take to come back - the average used to be 2 weeks but it seems to be taking a little longer these days. Try to distract yourself - keep busy and, if you get really anxious, try listening to a meditation or mindfulness CD (there are some good ones on You Tube). Good luck and please let us know how you get on.

    Angie x

  • After calling the hospital to reconfirm tomorrows appointment, they have told me I am seeing the lead nurse not having a biopsy? If she deems the black marks unusual then I'll be referred for a biopsy. All this because my pictures were inconclusive. So that means another wait! 

    Why can't I have a consultation and a biopsy at the same time? I already know a biopsy will be requested :( 


    is this normal to have a second opinion prior to a biopsy? 

  • Hi


    jist wanted to know how you got on. I have moles on my vulva, iv had them for a few years I'm 33 and apparently they can just spring up in our reproductive years. X

  • Hey 


    so after 2 sets of biopsies the doctor gave me the all clear and said it's just skin pigmentation ‍♀️ Of all the places who knew it would happen inside and outside the vulva. 

    im keeping my eye on it and making sure Ita not changing but all seems ok at my end. 

    have you had your moles tested? 

    H x