Vaginal bleeding 18 days and counting

Hi I am looking for advice please. I had HPV virus in 2004 and had surgery. 16 years later going through menopause stop bleeding for 8 months now started bleeding heavily after sex. It's been 18 days now and been referred for urgent appointment at hospital for blood tests scans etc.  I had more or less stopped but then carried two heavy shopping bags started walking up steps home and felt a rush of blood which covered my Jean's started bleeding again.  Has anyone on here had similar symptoms and can give me an idea of what to expect at hospital. Very worried for my 9 year old who needs her mum any advice for me? Thanks in advance sending love

  • Needs checking out but lots of non-cancer possibilities. Polyps, fibroids (latter tend to shrink post-menopause but you're not that far past your menopause so could still be a cause), endometrial hyperplasia etc. Good luck with the tests.

    And yes I've had similar symptoms though perimenopausal but am probably much older than you given your daughter's age. The bleeding is scary especially when you get a flood. Definitely been there - huge circular pool on floor.

    Luckily when the hospital did my bloods to look at cancer risk they were good (aside from anaemia - have got close to transfusable levels and now take iron tablets). A womb biopsy showed no problems with endometrium other than it being very thick. Did have a polyp which they couldn't get out when they tried a hysteroscopy. Got offered endometrial ablation but told it was just a life choice not something to deal with cancer because I didn't have a gynae cancer. Decided to live with the polyps risk (not the same as bowel polyps and was told that the risk of them turning cancerous was low though they like to remove them when they can). Hope was that the fibroid would shrink after menopause which given my age better come soon (am nearer 60 than 50). You are likely to have check of your womb with endometrial biopsy if lining found to be thick plus ultrasound and bloods. They'll check out the cervic too though since mine looked healthy they didn't bother with a smear. The amount of blood you are describing makes me think the cause is more likely something to do with the endometrium than cervix though I'm not a doctor. Good luck with the tests!

  • Just saw another posting by you which gave your age. My bleeding problems started at about your age which is when I had my investigations. 

    Also is it 8 months since last period or 20 months that the bleeding started. You need to be period free for a whole year before it counts as menopause proper. 

    Try not to worry too much before the tests. Again good luck!

  • Hi thanks so much for your reply have convinced myself I have cancer so you have relieved me a little of my worries. Haven't had a full year without periods only 8 months in total then started bleeding after sex. Definitely felt like a popping sensation yesterday when blood just gushed out after picking up heavy bags not sure if that relates to polyps or not. The waiting is the worst just so worried for my 9 year old. I'm a spiritual person and not scared of dying but worried for my youngest daughter Evie. Thanks again will let you know what happens and good luck with your issues x

  • Yes, waiting is hard. But you need to remember that you are not post-menopausal according to the doctor's definitions. Bleeding after sex can happen with both polyps and fibroids. The fact that the heavy bags triggered it suggests those are more likely causes than an issue with the cervix as common in older women. Also a period occurring after a break can be especially heavy as the endometrium could be thicker. Could just have been co-incidental timing. Happened to a friend of mine - again late menopause - when she was out. She was mortified with embarrasment. So you are not alone and hopefully nothing too serious. Try and keep busy so you don't think about things too much while waiting though it's hard with all the bleeding. Have had continuous bleeding go on longer than 18 days which is a nuisance. Have also read posts on this forum where people seem to have bled for months. I would suggest no lifting anything heavy until you get seen however. Take care and do let us know what happens. Lovex

  • Oh thank you that makes me feel so much better. After having the surgery in 2004 after an abnormal smear I am always wary of it happening again so ensure I have smear tests one of which came back clear 2 years ago. Have ovarian cancer stuck in my head as I know you dont get many symptoms I'm afraid I keep googling and getting myself in a state especially with regard to Evie being so young and worrying for her.  Thanks again you are a star and have made me a bit more optimistic about the situation. Best wishes xx

  • Ovarian cancer was something I was worried about too before I had all my tests. History of cysts. Got total reassurance on that one at the hospital. Make sure you tell them all your concerns. I remember telling them I wanted them to consider ovarian cancer so they did a good check of the ovaries as part of my ultrasound plus a blood test ca125. High ca125 can just be caused by fibroids so if you do get a high test don't panic. I had a submucosal fibroid - the worst type for bleeding - but my ca125 was low. It was because the ca125 was low I decided to just put up with the bleeding (thinking I was closer to my menopause than I actually was). My consultant seemed pleased I went for a Do Nothing option rather than the ablation as did my GP though it wasn't offered when the consultant suggested an ablation. I remember looking at him in horror and quietly asked "is there a Do Nothing option?". He smiled, told me there was always a Do Nothing option and as I did not have cancer, it was up to me whether I wanted to manage the bleeding or have treatment to stop it. I think he used the words lifestyle choice. I was then given an Open Discharge so that I could go back and have the procedure if I changed my mind in the future. 

    Have had more than one rush of blood. We're talking huge pools on the bathroom floor. So I really can empathise. Maybe stay off Google for a while. It won't answer your questions. Only the tests can do that. Hoping for good news for you. Bleeding sucks. Best wishesxx

  • I am so glad you messaged me you have definitely given me some very useful information today and I am feeling a lot less anxious than I was yesterday. Thank you again and I will be in touch x best wishes xx

  • Hi just wanted to add - thought I'd said it but maybe not - I also got monster clots, pain especially just before the rush. Think the pop I got then was the clot coming out and there was blood backed up behind it. This can happen when fibroids start degenerating which means they are getting smaller in the long term (I think) but not nice when it's all falling out. If you've been having sex then there is also the chance you could have missed just one or two periods then ovulated and got pregnant. That's why recommendation is to use contraception for a year after periods stop. So the extra bleed could potentially have been a miscarriage. I suspect the hospital will check your hormones to see if you have been ovulating or not. Will leave you in peace now. Just wanted to try and give you as much reassurance of non-cancer possibilities as possible. Again best wishesxx
  • Oh thanks so much. My husband has had a vasectomy 9 years ago so not much chance of being pregnant and we dont do it that often anyway ! Lots of clots still coming out and felt pain last night in bed. You seem to know your stuff like you have medical knowledge needless to say you have given me lots of reassurance and calmed my mind. I am a reki practitioner and constantly self healing so hoping that may help sending love xx

  • Reiki - how wonderful! When I get pain I sometimes massage my ovarian area extremely gently (has helped cysts disperse in the past) but massaging my womb area just makes me start bleeding when I've stopped. So do be careful if self-healing until you know what is going on. Sympathy about the pain... I sometimes get really bad pains (though they have been getting better recently after some bad years). It can vary from one cycle to another. I think my bleeds are finally starting to tail off. Hope you don't have too long to wait for your appointment. Obviously if you get really concerned because the bleeding or clots get an awful lot heavier phone 111 or your GP for advice. xx