Urgent referral

Hi all I have had lots of pain in my breast I'm 53 and thought it was an age thing went to doctor Tuesday said couldn't feel any lumps and no obvious signs of anything checked arm pit said to take ibrupofen for pain but would refer me to breast clinic and not lose any sleep Went away feeling better but still your not 100% as its a worry. I have now received my referral letter saying doctor has fast tracked me and its in two weeks time from day of doctors appointment this seems to contradict what doctor said I'm terrified any body had this please x

  • Thank you this really helps alsorts goes through your mind I'm doing better since fi ding this site lots of common ground and kind words appreciate you reply have a good day x

  • Hi CCP

    As DBird has stated, the two week referral is just standard process when things need further investigation. Most boob complaints that are urgently referred turn out to be harmless. The vast majority have benign findings and so please hang in there :-) xx can you let us know how you get on? Waiting for appointments is really anxiety provoking (I had some recent experience of an urgent referral to dermatology which turned out to be nothing) - this forum is great for any wobbly moments xx

  • Hi,

    The vast majority of fast-tracked patients are found not to have cancer. That wasn’t always the case but too many people (including me) were being diagnosed at a late stage under the previous NICE guidance. At a recent conference, one of the speakers said that under current NICE guidance if a GP thinks there is as little as a 3% chance that someone may have cancer the GP is obliged to fast track them.

    This may explain the apparent mismatch  between what your GP said and you being fast tracked - better safe than sorry.


    Good luck



  • Sorry for the late reply iv been stressing but keeping busy and these reply really help put things into prospective I go on Tuesday so not long and as you say better to be in and know thank you for taking the time to reply its very kind have a good day 

  • Thank you it's these moments that this forum really helps thank you so much for all your kind words ️

  • Hi ccp and welcome to the forum. Like what already been said the two week referral is standard in most hospitals but does send fear into you it’s only natural. I was seen within a week of my referral after find a breast lump in my left boob. I had the usual tests mammogram ultrasound scan and then two core biopsies. The following week I got the results which were inconclusive so it was decided to do a lumpectomy. This happened just over two weeks later then another two week wait for results which came back benign! No further treatment just yearly mammograms. It is the waiting that’s the hardest thing as your mind goes into over drive. Try and keep busy and don’t google! That really will send your mind on overdrive. Please let us know how you get on x 

  • I. So pleased everything turned out well for you fabulous news. As you say its tge waiting but keeping busy and no more googling it's madness what we put ourselves through iv got everything if I went by Google I will certainly come back to you after Tuesday. Thank you for this support its helped so much x

  • Thats seems very strange,good luck..


  • That’s why we are all here to support each other the best way we can! Plus I think because we have been/are going through it we can relate better than family and friends who can only guess what we are feeling/felt x 

  • Thank yoy for your kind ,reply.Its the not knowing,it all happened so quick,tests.Scan and Biopsy.Now it all just come to a halt,My son does not know how i managed from my Local GP saying i have Terminal Cancer on the strength of an Ultra sound,Yet the Consultant,said we can help you..Ihave some how managed to rise above it,with more mental strength,than i thought,Its been such a wake up call for my wife and i,as old age drifts us apart,The strangest time of my life.Thoughts,feelings.The Steriods have been a great help.They have changed me.Eating better,more energy,some aggresion,frustation,less pain from my Knees.In some ways i feel better than i have for years.Great talking to you x.