Upcoming chemotherapy and living with the after effects.

So, I've recently had my PET CT scan for Hodgkins Lymphoma, which I think I'm at stage 2 but where I was so emotional during the diagnosis meeting I can't remember if we were told or not. It's been a hell of a nearly 2 months of various appointments and not knowing if it is or not, but finally we're getting some answers and planning the next steps. We are waiting for the results which could be the end of the week, and maybe my treatment will start early next week, so I'm kinda scared about the chemo, like 50/50, because the treatment will be just sitting in an armchair from what the spcialists said with a drip. But I think it's the next 2 or 3 days where I will be having no energy, throwing up etc that will get me down, especially as it's a cycle of once every 2 weeks.

  I know everyone's bodies are different, so we all react in different ways but if anyone has any advice on how to cope with the treatment, I'm all ears  :)  


  • Hi, 

    My now ex husband was diagnosed with Hodgkins 23 years ago and had chemotherapy. We had 3 below school age daughters at the time and we all went with him when he had chemotherapy. Like you he had it in a drip in his arm. His only side effects was tiredness and hair loss, but his hair came back thicker and darker so he was well pleased! 

    We are divorced now but he is very well and Hodgkins way in his past. 

    Good luck! 



  • Hi Tim when i had my cemo first few days i was fine and few days before next treatment i was OK, they should be giving you anti sickness meds if you are bad, good luck with your future what ever you do,... Billy 

  • Hi Billy,

    Thanks for your reply,I havent started treatment yet, I have just had my PET scan which shows my Hodgkins as stage 4, which whilst it sounded bad in my mind, it means that the disease is both upper and lower part of the diaphragm, the chest area, and a highlited area around the bone marrow, being told I may have to have a bone marrow sample taken.

    Thanks again, and best wishes


  • Hey,

    To be honest, I'm not that bothered about losing my hair as I usually shave it to grade 2 to hide the grey hairs lol. It might be a bit different around my 2, 2.5 yr old nephews but I'll try and explain to them the best I can. Glad he is ok now, however I am sorry to hear your divorced.


    All the best,
