Understanding Mum's Breast Cancer, Pls Help.

Hi Everyone,

I hope I make this sensible as I'm just shocked. About a month and a half ago mum was diagnosed with breast cancer from finding a lump. Her consultant was really positive and they went in for a lumpectomy, there was action in the lymphs so they resected them in surgery.

Pathology came back on Monday, finding a multifocal cancer in the breast, a smaller one they found when in there. They have decided to do a mastectomy of the breast grading it at a three, I did some research, and based on the info they gave me, 10 lymphs out of the 32 taken away had some cancer in them. They want to take the breast away and the lymphs then give her a course of chemo and radiotherapy then hormone therapy. 

I'm terrified, mum doesnt want to know much detail, but I'm a hypochondriac researcher, so I can't help but try and find out. They're doing body scans because of the lymphs and im just terrified they're going to find it elsewhere. I don't know what I will do if I lose her. I'm the one at the moment that everyone is looking to for answers, its very much 'oh she'll do the research and tell us if we need to know' and I don't mind but I'm trying to stay so positive and upbeat and it's getting me down. 

I'm so worried for her, I'm so worried she's going to die. I had asked her cancer nurses about her outlook and they rebuffed me with 'her oncologist will talk about that' which makes me panic even more. I find myself so down, and she's pretty upbeat because I've been doing my best to focus her on now, and not down the treatment path. But I'm focusing on that. I find myself angry at other people walking around with no real cares in the world. I just want her to be ok. I don't have any siblings so it's just me. I'm trying to make everyone ok, but I'm desperately worried I'll lose her. 

Can anyone offer any positivity.

  • Hi there ... and welcome to our little chat room ... 

    I was diagnosed grade 3 her 2 neg breast cancer last July ... at first the panic of hearing the word cancer sets in and takes over every thought ... and what ifs ... and I think we nearly all go through that ... my son did too ... but my daughter in law said ... no more panicking.... no more what ifs .. no more second guessing .. we will deal with it as and when it comes up, and we'll do it together .. 

    That snapped us out of panic mode ... we lived in the day .. and now I'm 10 months post mastectomy, and doing really well .. I thought a grade 3 meant I wouldn't be around long .. but here I am chatting to you ..  I know you want to sort everything out and find out everything , but what l would say I've learned on here, is every cancer is different ... every treatment is different .. no one can guaranty an outcome ..

    It would take years to learn all the different sinarios ... and what helped me most was when my son calmed down, but walked by my side .. that's what your mum needs now .. not an expert in cancer, but someone who goes to appointments and tests, and ask the questions that will help .. and write down answers in a way she can understand ..

    There's lots of us breast ladies on here .. all different stages and treatments .. and we chat about all things in life not just cancer, coz we need to feel normal in a situation that is anything but .. we may have cancer, but it doesn't have us ... if your mum ever wants to chat , there's lots of us here that will hold her hand and guide her through ..  sending you a big hug ... Chrissie x

  • Thank you so much for this. I felt so angry, that why her thing. And scared that I would lose her. We have very overly ambitious cancers in our family they like to move very fast and be very industrious (what a brag right?). My cervical cancer moved quickly, my grandmother's unfortunately moved too quickly to save her life, my mum's multifocal has sprouted about a year after her mammogram which just terrifies me.

    I'm trying not to think about it as we haven't had the scans yet, I just am scared it's relocated itself in that nasty over reaching way it has. I just want them to hurry up scan her cut it all out and blast her with cancer killing chemicals so we can get rid of it. 

    I've told mum I'm here and we are going to hit it like a freight train being just as aggressive with it as its been with her. She looks so well though, I just can't reconcile that she's sick. But im here for her, I'm staying with my parents until her op in a week and then I'll be staying after for some time too. They seem to like having me around so if it makes it easier I'm happy to stay. 

    Cross your fingers for her ok? She's my mum and she's amazing and the thought of anything happening to her makes me feel like I've tripped at a cliff edge. 


  • I went and read some more info and I shouldn't have I'm not in a proper anxious shake trying to control the anxiety. 10 lymphs is a lot. I'm so scared I don't know what to do.