Two different primaries?

Has anyone here had, or know of someone, who has two completely separate primary tumours at the same time? I have primary invasive ductal breast cancer - diagnosed in May. Supposedly all excised and no evidence of ca on SLNB. Now, during my radiotherapy planning CT they have seen a "spot" on my lung. My BCN has told me that "it needs checking out because you are an ex-smoker". I've had a CT scan with contrast and I'm probably worrying about nothing but I got the distinct impression she was querying lung cancer rather than metastasis from my breast cancer. Hopefully it will be neither and I'm worrying unnecessarily. Waiting for life or death results is absolutely the pits. 

  • Hi, 

    i know it's difficult but try not to let your imagination run away with you. I do know of lots of people on here who have had "spots" in different areas that have turned out to be nothing. In fact my friend who was being treated for bc was told she had a spot on her liver...after so much worry and stress it was nothing to worry about....

    let us know how it goes and good luck in your treatment for bc xxxx

  • Thanks Marlyn. I too have heard of others where it turned out to be nothing. My head is telling me that it is probably fine. My gut is telling me this could be devastating. I'm told 2 weeks max for the CT result to get back to the oncologist but I expect they will have MDT meeting. I HATE not knowing.