Tumour markers

Good evening, I was taking into hospital last week by ambulance and after a ct scan it shown I have gallstones and need my gallbladder out. After being discharged and receiving my discharge letter it also shows that I have a 5cm cyst on my ovary, the gynaecologist on call advised to have Tumour markers which has already been request - what is this? Are they looking for cancer or do they think I already have it and checking to see what level? Also, after it's been requested how long until I have an appointment for it? 
the CT scan also showed I my pancreatic duct was prominent to 6mm and I was placed on the Upper GI MDT in view of this. Any know what this is? I have call my go surgery for an appointment to discuss but it isn't for another two weeks and the internet is worrying me. 
thank you for taking the time to read my post x 

  • Hello 

    I was found to have a dilated pancreatic duct from a ultrasound . It's 6mm too. 

    It led me to having endoscopy, EUS, and ct's.

    It might not be the same for you.

    I have to have a repeat mrcp in June and bloodworm but including ca19-9 which is a tumour marker. It frightened me and still does being honest but I know that ca19-9 checks for other thungs too.


  • Hello there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about your situation and all that you have going on at the moment. This understandably must be an anxious time for you and I appreciate you must have questions.

    Unfortunately no one on here can say what these results may mean for you or if you should be worried. Try and take things a step at a time and not over think things if you can until you have all the facts.

    It seems like the hospital have referred you onto both gynaecology and Gastro Intestinal (GI) specialists for their input into what may be going on and what further tests or treatment may be needed.

    In regards to ovarian cysts there are several types of cysts and depending on the features they can see on a scan they often will also look at a blood test CA125 which is a tumour marker, as well as the menopausal status of a woman ( pre or post) to be able to predict the likelihood of a cyst being cancerous. This is called the Risk of Malignancy Index (RMI). However it is worth noting that a CA125 can be raised because of other inflammatory conditions in the pelvic region not just cancer, so even if it comes back high it still doesn't necessarily mean cancer is the cause.

    A prominent pancreatic duct can also have many causes but it seems the GI Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT) where all the specialist doctors come together to discuss patients test results are going to discuss these findings and what needs to happen next for you.

    I'm sorry it is a while until you can speak to your GP. It may be worth calling the surgery again to see if the GP can call you sooner to go through what they know with you and support you at this worrying time. I also hope you have friends and family around you at this time.

    Do get back if you need to or instead give us a call on 0808 800 4040, Monday-Friday 9-5.

    I hope you know more soon,

    All the best


  • Thank you so much for taking the time to give me a details response. This has been more helpful that you'll know. 


    Thamk you

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to me, good luck for your repeat mrcp in June

  • Hi 

    I sent you a friend request if you wanted to talk. 

    OK too if not.