Tummy Tuck?

I’m currently having chemo for my bowel cancer, but have become very insecure about my weight gain and would like to get a tummy tuck and liposculpture.


Would this be possible?

  • Hello SVRR.  And welcome.  I cannot tell you if this is possible, you would really need to talk to your doctor.  Would it not be best to get your cancer treatment over rather than go through all this at one time?  I was wondering if you were feeling that so much was out of your control and this is something you could do. If the weight gain is only since your treatment then it may eventually sort itself out.    Have you spoken to your family - I am betting all they want is for you to be well again and don't give two hoots whether or not you have gained weight.

    I am hoping that someone on this forum who has had the same cancer experience as yourself can come along and chat with you about this.  Having noticed that you were posting in the early hours of the morning (and not sleeping!) I would just give you a "hello and welcome" to start things off.  Annie